[h1][center]Shield Town, Black Iron Workshop, Main Lobby[/center][/h1] [hr] Right. Well! This… Umbri! That was a nice name. Umbri. Umbri… Umbral? Umber! Umbridge? Umbel! Like on a flower! Wait. Focus! Focus. Umbri, was clearly determined here, which was a nice enough thing to see! Jemma just wasn’t quite sure how committed she would be after being told the details of the ‘procedure’. Hrm. Oh well. The shapeshifter nodded once and gave a relatively controlled smile. “[b][color=DarkMagenta]Right! I’m gonna explain this as… Me, I can. I’m going to turn three of these things here,[/color][/b]” She raised a trio of her tentacles, waving each in a row before continuing, “[b][color=DarkMagenta]Into one large, uh, [i]maw[/i]. I’m gonna wrap it around your arm, shoulder, and part of your clavicle. From there, it’s going to form a symbiotic link between your circulatory system and mine. I’ll have to bite into you with a fang. … This, of course, likely won’t feel super great. Nor will the…[/color][/b]” She trailed off again. How to describe them… WAS there a way to describe them? She wasn’t versed on animal biology… Oh! Show! Don’t tell, duh! Jemma moved back from Umbri, following through on the changes to her trio of tendrils as explained. From the three limbs, she formed a mouth in the shape of a crocodile… weasel… thing. Maybe it would’ve been cute! If… it also wasn’t about the size of Umbri’s torso. She opened the mouth, revealing the relatively small and unimposing fangs within. From one such fang, veins of ink spiraled out and into the air, like the branches of a tree. Or a lightning bolt. Or blood vessels. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]I dunno what to specifically call these yet, but I [i]do[/i] know that they are capable of, uh, [i]subsuming[/i] any amount of organic matter. And I can choose what does, and does NOT, get subsumed. Then, with the same organs, I can copy, replicate, and modify to my will! Which means I could not only become the snake, buuuut I could just replicate and synthesize an anti-venom![/b][/color]” Chirped the shapeshifting woman, giving Umbri her best version of a ‘reassuring smile’. Oh! Right. The original point of showing these. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]That all being said… They won’t feel super great moving under your skin and through your meat stuffs. So… You may wanna either sit down and hold on to something, or, I can ‘brew’ you up a cocktail of numbing venoms. And muscle relaxants. Nothin’ lethal! Or capable of stopping your heart, or anythin’! Just… good for not bein’ in pain![/b][/color]” Jesus, that was a ramble and a half. At least it kinda looked like Umbri was listening! Right. Finish it off. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]Now, I understand that this might sound incredibly unsanitary, but as stated, the… Ink-Vessels? Eh, name pending— Anyways! My ink can subsume basically anythin’ and everythin’ organic! This includes bacteria and viruses, and parasites! Honestly if you’d like I could give you a once over to your entire system, make sure you— Er! Sorry. Focusing. Hoo.[/b][/color]” Jemma nodded then, finally slowing her rapid fire summation to a stop. That was all she could think of! And that was after not having been a Fixer or an Engineer! For three years! She stiiiiill had it! … Don’t cry don’t cry don’t cry. Focus!!! Shit! The shapeshifter shifted in place, again. Her eyes slid to the limbless [NULL-DEMON-MEAN-RUDE-helphimtoo?] nearby. “[color=DarkMagenta][b]I know you’re still gonna be upset by this, but as you’re the only person here who I [i]think[/i] has her best interests at heart… And also the only person she’s yelled at in this room, which I think is a good thing? I’m letting you know that if I [i]hurt her beyond reason[/i] you can absolutely take it out of my hide. I [promise.][/b][/color]” The word ‘promise’ held a weight to it. One that she wouldn’t and couldn’t dare to explain. Jemma just hoped that he would understand she meant it with the whole of her being. So much so, that unbeknownst to her, the noises churning inside her quieted. Drowned under the forceful ‘[i][b]Promise.[/b][/i]’ that took the place of the noises instead.