[center][b][u][ Titan’s Fall, Castle on The Clouds ][/u][/b][/center] [hr] Felix… Listened. For a bit. He did! Truly and seriously and really, and all that! But… Well. She didn’t get it. Not really, and how could she! No one else had [i]the itch[/i] like he did. The overwhelming press and crush of fear. That paranoia against the inevitability of [i]it[/i] happening again. He couldn’t afford it, couldn’t relax, couldn’t slack off! Failure wasn’t an option. Stress testing at all times was the only way! If it failed him once, then it would fail him again! She was SO close to getting it! [s]So close to getting that overwhelming fear of a man out of control, a force of nature nearly ending his short story—[/s] But it was fine. She… Was right. In a way, yes. He couldn’t sprint back to the lab every time something failed. Even if he really wanted to. Felix shook himself some, ignoring the vague burning pain of his implants continuing to express their overstress. “[color=Orange][b]No, yeah, yeah. You’re right—[/b][/color]” Or not. Ion had arrived, and while Felix genuinely loved the giant oaf, he… Well actually, no this time he was severely appreciated! A quick break from the extremely taxing mental conversation! Not that Dawn was even being taxing or anything like that, just that he really, really, didn’t want to think about his (definitely) maybe being wrong. In how he was approaching this friendship. And his tinkering. Hm. Anyways! Ignore that! That whole… thinking about himself, thing. Yup! Forgotten! For now! Felix shifted a bit in his seat, offering the requisite ‘oh yeah no kidding…’ to Ion, while letting his gaze slide to Dawn’s. He stared at her, not thinking twice about trying to tell her with all the telepathy available to a chaos gremlin: ‘guess where I wanna go next!’ “[color=Orange][b]My thing DID do the thing! Thanks for noticing, Tol King! I… Kinda hope that I did beat her time? If only so I can take over the ‘long distance’ travel part of the job, when I can, y’know?[/b][/color]” He flashed Ion a smile, before turning away and frowning, clearly thinking pretty hard. “[color=Orange][b]Hey thanks for the heads up though! I’ll make sure to avoid that area, and I’m pretty sure we’re gonna eat here for a bit anyways. My cyber needs a hot minute to cool down and perform their automatic repairs anyways.[/b][/color]” He mumbled, flashing sheepish smile for the two at the table with him. He raised a hand after a moment, looking appropriately sheepish. “[color=Orange][b]Get some rest when you can, yeah man?[/b][/color]” Felix murmured, sliding his eyes to the side conspiratorially. “[color=Orange][b]If you don’t catch some sleep when you can… I’ll be the most eligible bachelor, and your- ah- [i]fans[/i] will see you slippin’…[/b][/color]” There. That should serve as distraction AND dismissal! And he’d focus on doing his job too well to focus on where Felix would be… Not that that couldn’t be solved with a simple dummy tracker left where he [i]wasn’t[/i]. Hah!