Apologies for the late reply! [URL=http://s152.photobucket.com/user/pognip/media/Evaline-1.jpg.html][IMG]http://i152.photobucket.com/albums/s163/pognip/Evaline-1.jpg[/IMG][/URL] Name- Evaline Age- Appears 21 Race- Wood elf Background- Being raised in Valenwood, Evaline became close to the trees and animals. She enjoys their company and would often speak with them. Oh the stories they told her. On one such occasion, she was told a noble from her city had planned to allow a group of bandits to prey on travelers and her people as long as he got a cut of the cash. When Evaline reported it, she was told to keep her mouth shut. Not being one to back down, she took the issue to a higher authority. However, the corruption had reached that point and she was promptly exiled from Valenwood. She took this as a blessing in disguise and left her home country, family, and friends. She made her way to Elsweyr, Hammerfell, and Morrowind. Learning about all different kinds of herbs for alchemy. Now she made her way to Skyrim aboard a boat set for Solitude. Personality- All around jovial. Some things make her lose her temper quickly. Like killing rabbits for fun. Weapons- Bow with iron arrows, steel dagger Armor- Leather; won't wear metals. Septims upon Arrival- 250