(Writing this on a tablet, please excuse the lack of flair, tabs and the multitudes of errors that this post surely has.) Munir, ever the social butterfly, heard that his family is at a dinner. However, he originally decided to not to attend, not wanting to sit at another family gathering with other royals. It is just simply too tiring for him, all this official events. All he wanted to do is to make sure his dear Mina is doing alright, and to enjoy his time in the Northern Kingdom before needing to return to Alidasht. Alas, Munir sighed and got out of the chair he was sitting in. Pushing open the window to his room, letting some cool night breeze in. Mina was resting, after all of her ordeals. He was also a little hungry. The honeyed figs and chilled wine can only carry him so far. He needed to eat, and he did not feel like asking his personal guard to go fetch more bread for him. He walked over to his wardrobe, and gathered some of his more presentable clothing and dressed himself. Donning a tan linen tunic, over a pair of soft white breeches, he cinched the tunic to his waist with a soft red sash, made of fine silk. Over his tunic, he draped a soft shawl that matched the color of his sash. Putting in a few decorative accessories into his hair, both to keep them in place and to accentuate his facial features. Deciding to wear his royal signet tonight as well, Munir found a pair of light male sandals that went just slight past his ankles, he absentmindedly reached for coil of leather that sat by his wardrobe as well. Tying the whip to his waist, he pushed past his door and signaled his guard to follow him as he made his way to the dinner. As he arrived at the dining room, the guards posted at the entrance seemed surprised to see him there. He smirked and nodded at his personal guard and sent him off until he was needed again. Looking at the doormen, he raised his eyebrows quizzically. [color=ffce00] “Am I going to need to open the door myself or…?”[/color] He said to the guards who jumped back slightly and quickly pushed the door open. The attendant then saw him, making the same expression as the guards. Munir waved him off as he was about to announce his arrival. It was a bit late for all that now. Munir offered Lorenzo a bow, not forgetting his courtly manners. To his siblings and cousin, he simply smirked as he walked past them. Giving Farim a small clap on his shoulder, he allowed his hand to trail across the back and shoulder of Ariella. His smirked turned into a softer smile as he walked past his sisters, with him offering Mayer a small wink before arriving next to the Sultan. [color=ffce00] “Father, glory be on to ye.” [/color] Munir said softly. To the princes and princess of the other kingdoms and houses, he offered a half bow, a mere gesture of common curtesy. Seeing an empty seat next to Auguste, he took his seat and reached for the nearly goblet to him. He did not much care if it was Auguste’s cup, as he simply took a drink from it. The chilled wine, while mundane by this point, was as refreshing as ever. A small drop remained on his lip as he looked to Ariella, offering a small wink and a quick bite of his lower lip. [color=ffce00] “Don’t let my late arrival interrupt your conversations. Please carry on.”[/color] He said, the smile from before never left his face.