Quinn nodded and exhaled heavily, then picked up both the spoon and the bowl so she could lean back into the comforting warmth of Besca's shoulder as she ate. The cereal had gotten soggy by now. But that was okay; she kind of liked it better when it was soggy anyway. So instead of picking ineffectually at it as before, she really gave it her all to eat it. Her stomach was still a little bit upset, but it seemed to settle a bit as she slowly and steadily ate, and contemplated her day in silence. The immediate thing that leapt to mind was that she wanted to check [i]Ablaze[/i] again. It had become a bit of a daily ritual, after all. That, and she supposed it was helping her look at it more as her own and less as an object of terror. As much as she tried to shunt it to the back of her mind, the image of the cannon glaring down on her in the streets of Hovvi wasn't an easy one to ignore. And, she supposed, she wanted to talk to Tillie more, if she was there. She was nice, and leaning into Besca as she ate cereal notwithstanding, Quinn was still feeling a keen sense of lonesomeness. Maybe--hopefully--the dinner with Deelie would help alleviate that some. Speaking of, she needed to decide where she wanted to eat. And as much as she loved the places in the Aerie, she wanted less to [i]eat[/i] with her family as much as [i]spend time[/i] with them. So maybe she could help Dahlia make something in the kitchen. She was a pretty hopeless cook, but hopefully Deelie and Besca would be enough to make up for it, right? And then the other thing she needed to do today. Something that she selfishly wanted to put off out of sheer embarrassment; returning to Roaki after she'd made a fool of herself, throwing up like that. And then she'd doubly made a fool of herself by getting drunk in response to it. She briefly paused eating, and a moment passed. "[color=ffe63d]I think...[/color]" She wasn't particularly looking forward to anything until dinner. The pause dragged on as she thought, until: "[color=ffe63d]I still need to see Doctor Follen this week. And I think I'll visit Roaki after, since I'll be in medical anyway.[/color]" Then, with the clink of a spoon, she resumed eating.