[b][center][h3][color=orange] Lein [/color][/h3][/center][/b] [hr] [b][color=orange]Location:[/color][/b] Training Yard [b][color=orange]Interactions:[/color][/b] [@Raineh Daze] [@Conscripts] [@Erode] [@VitaVitaAR] [hr] An evaluation? So Rui was here to look for what, talent? Lein himself kept tabs on many of the big names in the Roses, but not so overtly. No - but if his wild conjecture about the strange nightmare everyone had was correct, Rui's reason did track. Though it did leave the question why Lein was judged insufficiently. It also meant that asking the vampire was getting more and more mandatory, especially since Rui highlighted the connection herself. This 'Lady' and Tyaethe sounded like they had reason to check in with each other. Feh. He was already pushing it going to the training yard. He didn't have enough mind to speculate much deeper. [color=orange]"Dragons? Heard often enough from bards and peddlers, sure. Not often you get to meet a dragon-slayer in the flesh! I know of many who would give good coin to hear tales of grandeur from warriors such as yourself."[/color] Rui was predictably short changed in her boast about her encounter with the dragon, but not out of deliberation. For her, it would be just like as a cook started a fire in the stove or a weaver repaired stitch-work. However glorious her battle or grievous her sacrifice, it was just another duty carried out to her capacity. It would take much more to wheedle a good story out of her - and certainly not through bugging her. It would be much more intuitive for her to simply show him through the langue of swords. He'll just translate it himself into his fanciful fables at the Lone Frame, with much more verbal flourish. Lein avoided his usual route of crawling through the broken hedge and took the boring gravel path through. As usual, the training yard was inhabited by sounds of bows firing and drawing of swords, though not by its usual visitors. Serenity was no surprise, she practically lived here as far as Lein knew - but the Knight-Captain and Steffen was an oddity. If he had to guess, they all had the same ideas as Lein - getting beat up repeatedly in a dream was a powerful motivator; though Lein remained hazy on his memories of the dream more than most. [color=orange]"And there's some friendly faces!"[/color] Lein waved lazily at the small gathering. [color=orange]"Looks like we all woke up on the wrong side of bed tonight. Didn't think we pissed off Grandpa in the crypt back then, but he came back for us mano a mano, huh?"[/color]