I think the majority of [s]gamers[/s] people who play games just wanna be left to fuck alone. We don't want to be treated like misogynists because we enjoy games with scantly clad ladies in them. Nor do we want to be called homophobic because we have no interest in the same-sex romance options in some games. We also don't want to be told our purchases are supporting "woke" culture just because the protagonist happens to be a black female, gay, or both. But who really cares about that shit? You know what today is? April 27th. You know why that's important? Because Omega Strikers has launched! You can check it out on [url=https://store.steampowered.com/app/1869590/Omega_Strikers/]Steam[/url], Ios, Whatever Nintendo uses, etc. If I had to sum it up in just a few words I'd call it "MOBA air hockey." Stop playing Overwatch 2, Valorant, Genshin Impact, or whatever free to play crap you're currently playing and try [i]this[/i] free to play crap instead. You can thank me later. I've played the Beta for about 70 hours and I can already tell this is nothing but better.