[hider=Zeva] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/d4QbsNT.png[/img] [color=gray]art by me c:[/color][/center][center][h3]Zevania “Zeva” Aryth [color=purple]⋆[/color] 92 [color=purple]⋆[/color] Female [color=purple]⋆[/color] Light Elf[/h3][/center] [hr] [h3][b][color=DCD1FD]Appearance[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=a187be]Height:[/color][/b] [indent]5’6”[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Build:[/color][/b] [indent]Lithe and toned[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Hair Color:[/color][/b] [indent]Pearly platinum[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Hair Length[/color][/b] [indent]Hair reaches past waist when down[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Eye Color:[/color][/b] [indent]Blueish gray with some pink/hazel pigment[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] [indent]Warm and light-toned[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Distinguishing features:[/color][/b] [indent]In the right light, it looks like there are pink pigments that glow within her cool toned irises. She has a small lengthwise scar on her upper right calf from a misstep while training. Her hands are rough and calloused from her consistent weapon use.[/indent] [hr] [h3][b][color=DCD1FD]Psychology[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=a187be]Likes[/color][/b]: [indent] [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Fighting [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Her sapphire pendant, which she keeps in a pouch around her waist [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Savory and bitter flavors [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Weapons [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Novel experiences [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Cute small animals[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Dislikes[/color][/b]: [indent] [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Studying [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Waiting too long for something [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Cowardly people [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Losing [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Running away from a fight [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Injustice[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Fears:[/color][/b] [indent] [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Losing her family and friends [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Having her freedom taken away [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Failing her parents [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Torture[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Habits/Quirks[/color][/b] [indent] [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Being too loud without noticing [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Teasing people [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Twirls and plays with her hair a lot. A LOT. Fidgets in general. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Finds difficulty in self-control; acts before thinking if there’s something she wants.[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Sexuality:[/color][/b] [indent]Heterosexual[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Personality:[/color][/b] [indent] Zeva’s youth shines in her loud and boisterous personality, reflecting a sheltered life ignorant to the first-hand experience of the dark elves’ assault. She has a bright and cheerful disposition, absent of the sullen, worn tiredness that her parents’ eyes hold. While she is extroverted at heart, Zeva is surprisingly awkward around people. Any conversation outside of topics that interest her seem to fall on deaf ears and her mind wanders elsewhere. Despite this quirk, Zeva truly enjoys the company of others and wears her heart on her sleeve, often too trusting of how people are on the surface. Confident in her fighting prowess and naturally courageous, Zeva doesn’t hesitate to jump between threats and her loved ones. Part of this is due to her impulsivity – she acts before she thinks, and is quite frankly, simple-minded. She’s straightforward, acting directly upon her values and feelings and in the way she makes decisions, whether that be joy, sadness, or anger. This recklessness could be attributed to Zeva’s immaturity; having never known true fear, there’s nothing yet to hold her back. She’s arrogant in this way too and believes she can handle more than she actually can. Zeva’s strong sense of justice is also paired with her unwavering confidence, though a lot of it has been built upon stories the elders have told her from a young age, and she would benefit from further molding her worldview as she gains more experience with the world. While Zeva is not always the sharpest tool in the shed, she makes up for smarts with her cunning battle instinct. She may not be as battle-hardened as older elves, but her natural talent makes her a force to be reckoned with. Battle skills aside, Zeva leans more as an EQ rather than IQ person, with a varied sense of humor and carefree attitude.[/indent] [hr] [h3][b][color=DCD1FD]Background[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=a187be]Occupation[/color][/b] [indent]Waitress and bartender at The Oak Tree[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Living Immediate Family Members:[/color][/b] [indent]Ariadne Aryth - Mom (Foster) Garrick Aryth - Dad (Foster)[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Dead Immediate Family Members:[/color][/b] [indent]Birth Father Birth Mother (Presumed)[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Current Companions:[/color][/b] [indent]¯\_(ツ)_/¯[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Current and Past Lover(s):[/color][/b] [indent]N/A[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Current Equipment(Any weapons etc):[/color][/b] [indent]Two daggers, some bandages, coin pouch, sapphire pendant. She keeps most of her stuff in her room.[/indent] [b][color=a187be]History:[/color][/b] [indent]Zevania, affectionately called ‘Zeva’ by most, was born in a small dwelling at the edge of a faerie settlement, some ways south of the River Fairy Kingdom. There are but a handful of people that bore witness to this event, given the complicated circumstances of her birth. Unbeknownst to Zeva, her mother was cousin to the princess of the royal family who married the son of a royal court minister. Though they were not part of the main lineage, these details mattered not to the dark elves who would stop at nothing to smother out the remnants of royal blood that may one day spark rebellion against their reign. So when Malthemoor’s forces successfully conquered the light elves and began massacring the royals, Zeva’s parents became fugitives. In the company of a few loyal guards, they traveled light and crossed the continent with fake identities to evade capture. The first few years were hard. There were Malthemoor soldiers littered in many Avalian strongholds and cities, so they mostly stuck to small villages and makeshift outdoor shelters. Towards the end of their journey, Zeva’s parents found themselves in a small fae town. The fairies aided the group in hiding Zeva’s mother and her pregnancy, and it was through their kindness that they were able to live in relative peace and comfort until Zeva’s birth. She had a safe delivery, and Zeva was the shining hope for her parents who had endured much hardship together and represented the accumulation of all the challenges they had overcome. However, fate would not be so kind as to let them savor this small happiness for long. When Zeva was six months old, rumors of a fugitive elf group staying near the fairy kingdom began to circulate and her parents knew that they would have to leave again, find another home. Despite their vigilance, they had already overstayed their welcome, too complacent in their newfound domestic comfort. While they were preparing to leave, dark elf soldiers came knocking at their door. [color=#C3C3C3]“Search the premises!”[/color] One of them bellowed as the froot door fell to the ground with a [i]thud[/i], and he scattered his subordinates across the humble home. Zeva’s father frantically fought back the horde of dark elves, but was quickly overwhelmed by their numbers. In the woods behind the property, Zeva was held tightly in the arms of a knight, Ariadne, followed closely by her mother and two additional guards. They had a head start, but the dark elves would make their way to the forest soon. Their pursuit lasted for hours, then days, and Zeva’s mother knew they had to make a choice. The dark elves were not yet aware of Zeva’s existence, so they would not pursue her any further if they believed all the royals they were hunting had been accounted for. They split into two groups, and with a hardened heart, Zeva’s mother stayed behind to lure the dark elves away from Zeva’s escape, leaving behind a single sapphire pendant for her daughter. Some years passed and Zeva was raised to be a healthy, energetic girl by the two guards who remained, Ariadne and Garrik, who she recognized as her parents. They had quiet lives near the Sun Elf Kingdom, where Ariadne became a seamstress and Garrik a shopkeeper of a general store. Both of them stayed together with the sole purpose of raising Zeva out of the sense of duty they felt towards her late parents. Zeva, who was not made aware of her true identity, had no reason to question her quaint family life and lived as any other young elf. But she couldn’t help but to be drawn to the old weaponry her parents kept lying around the house. What use does a seamstress and shopkeeper have for a chest full of bows, arrows, daggers, and longswords? There had always been stories told to her of the war, of how the dark elves decimated all the things her parents’ held dear, always under hushed, fearful breath. The scars left by the dark elf usurpation ran deep, and she figured her parents had long ago left behind a life on the front lines of the war. Noticing her curiosity, Ariadne and Garrick decided to give Zeva some supplemental lessons to her regular elven schooling. They surmised that with Zeva’s background taken into account, it would benefit her to know how to defend herself. To their surprise, Zeva had a natural fighting instinct and showed rapid progression through hand-to-hand combat and weapon use. She had a quick reaction time and nimbleness that proved advantageous in combat, and a creativity that allowed her to react in unexpected ways when cornered. As time flew and Zeva’s hands roughened with constant training, she grasped an advanced proficiency in a variety of weaponry, but her favorite by far was dual wielding daggers. There was something about getting her blade in so close proximity to her enemy that felt [i]right[/i]. Melee skill aside, light magic was what Zeva struggled with. She could handle the basics of generating and manipulating light, but there’s not much else she’s managed to do so far. Much of her time is spent throwing and swinging metal around anyway, and she didn’t focus too much on what she couldn’t do. Eventually, Zeva enrolled in Aegnor Stonel Academy, though a little later than most as she spent her early years in the village where her parents lived. Ariadne and Garrick wished for Zeva to lead a life of peace and for her to do well in her studies to hide in plain sight within elven society. Despite their intentions, Zeva never fully committed herself to academia. She had friends that helped her scrape by with most classes while she spent most of her attention away from school, fluttering about town, finding new places to explore and things to do. When she wasn’t training in the school’s courtyard, Zeva worked part-time at The Oak Tree to help pay for daily expenses.[/indent] [hr] [h3][b][color=DCD1FD]Combat and Magic Stat Creation[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=a187be]Fitness Level:[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Super active. Trains daily in combat and weapon use. [/indent] [b][color=a187be]What are your character’s physical strengths?[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] High dexterity. Zeva is agile and nimble and uses it to her advantage in her fighting style. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Toned muscle and ingrained muscle memory from decades of continuous activity. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Can definitely throw a punch.[/indent] [b][color=a187be]What are your character’s physical weaknesses?[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Durability; while Zeva can dodge attacks and deal damage, she lacks in defense. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Endurance; Zeva’s not much of a marathon-er, and prefers short clashes than battles of attrition.[/indent] [u][color=DCD1FD]Years of Experience:[/color][/u] [b][color=a187be]Weapon(s):[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Bladed weapons: [b]60 years.[/b] Dual daggers are consistently her favorite weapon of choice, and she spent considerably less time learning traditional swordsmanship. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Bow and arrow: [b]20 years.[/b] Prefers close combat.[/indent] [b][color=a187be] Hand-to-Hand Combat:[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] [b]50 years.[/b] Zeva trained in hand-to-hand combat adjacent to her weapons training with her parents, and extended to getting into fights with other elves as a child for ‘practice’.[/indent] [u][color=DCD1FD][color=DCD1FD]Abilities[/color][/color][/u] [b][color=a187be]Light Elves[/color][/b] [indent][color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Offensive Photokinesis: 20 years. Zeva hasn’t put a lot of thought in magic training so far but learned some in school. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Illusions (includes invisibility): 10 years. Zeva has tried to learn better illusions to create feints in fights, but hasn’t completely mastered it yet and rather dedicate time elsewhere. [color=DCD1FD]⋆[/color] Shielding: 10 years[/indent] [b][color=a187be]Best Abilities:[/color][/b] [indent]Dual daggers and hand-to-hand combat.[/indent] [hider=Zeva's stats][color=a187be][h1]Zeva’s Stats[/h1][/color] [color=DCD1FD] [h3][b][color=a187be]Physical Stats[/color][/b][/h3] Strength: [color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color] Ground Speed:[color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color] Stamina: [color=a187be]⬤⬤◯◯◯[/color] Dexterity:[color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤[/color] Durability: [color=a187be]⬤◯◯◯◯[/color] [h3][b][color=a187be]Combat Stats[/color][/b][/h3] Hand-to-Hand Combat: [color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤⬤◯[/color] Dagger Combat: [color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤⬤⬤[/color] Ranged Weapon Combat:[color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤⬤◯[/color] [h3][b][color=a187be]Magic Stats[/color][/b][/h3] Offensive Photokinesis:[color=a187be]⬤⬤⬤◯◯[/color] Illusions: [color=a187be]⬤⬤◯◯◯[/color] Shielding: [color=a187be]⬤⬤◯◯◯[/color] [/color][/hider] [/hider]