[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230417/df277978412e80eb1e9517a8099db861.png[/img][/center] [right]Izumi Academy[/right][hr] Mori looked at the time on his phone as he put his now empty Bento box back in his bag. He had finished quicker than he thought. What to do for the rest of the time then? He could always play on his phone. Or at least browse social media. Maybe he could go wander around the school for a bit. He had a couple of friends in other classes, and notably, one of his brother's friend's brother went to school here. They were like brother brothers. That's like... brothers squared. Whoa. What class was he in again? 3-C? Maybe he should pay him a visit? As the thought of getting up occurred to him, a voice rang out from in front of him. It was his classmate, Aozora, asking him if he'd heard of any new games coming out. Well, [i]good[/i] games. Mori leaned back as he thought out loud. [color=00a651]"Well, as far as good games are concerned, if you're into multi-player stuff the new Civilization game came out a couple of weeks ago. I haven't played it much but apparently the game takes a long time to play. As for other stuff, let's see here..."[/color] Mori took out his phone and began idly scrolling through, his eyes darting every which way on the screen as he scanned for information. [color=00a651]"There's Blackmoore's Night. It's about a pirate captain trapped on an island with a bunch of undead and you have to escape with the treasure. Apparently different combinations of treasure grant different abilities and can even determine your ending. It comes out in like a month. After that, There's Vade Retro. It's a horror game about an Onmyoji who has to exorcize demons from various places, collecting artifacts and incantations to banish them. It also has some sort of hiding system, but they havent realeased much on that yet. It's supposed to come out sometime in June."[/color] Mori kept idly scrolling, but nothing interesting really came up. Everything else was either over a year away or didn't seem very interesting. Not to mention he didn't know Aozora's price point. Although, isn't this guy the son of a CEO? Then again, his dad would probably call it a bad financial decision if he blew a bunch of their money on video games. But what did he know? [color=00a651]"That's about all I can find that falls under the catergory of 'new' and 'good', or at least 'interesting'. Maybe some more announcements will come out soon?"[/color] Mori gave a shrug as he twirled his phone around. [color=00a651]"There's also the dozen JRPG shovelware games coming out like usual, if you're into that."[/color] [hr][right]Mentions: [@PrankFox](Aozora)[/right]