[center][h3][b][color=de641d]Teddy Thompson[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/IQ9KefLJHfJPq/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47zmucl65wvm0lqsnrw3vjxrpujakf2rpf39nxjwe6&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=de641d]Location:[/color][/b] Kree Spaceship [b][color=de641d]Skills:[/color][/b] Tactical Dissociation! [hr][hr][/center] [color=de641d]“Hm?”[/color] Teddy grunted, having caught Leah’s gaze from the corner of his eye. He turned his head in her direction, but she had already moved on. His brow rose. What was that all about? He pondered it, tilting his head until he glanced around at…oh, yeah, Diana. And…two- err, three freshmen. Mm, yeah, okay, never mind. That would just be classic Leah. He wanted to check in on her since, well…okay, she didn’t have the [i]largest[/i] group of friends. But Leah was great. People just didn’t give her enough of a chance. Sure, she was uhm…well, okay, she could be pretty rough on the outside, but Leah had a good heart. A [i]damn[/i] good heart. And Teddy respected the hell out of that. You had to. Unfortunately, that good heart didn’t exactly lead to an easy time making friends. He had hoped that she and Diana could get along, but that uhh…didn’t quite pan out. So, when he realized that she was heading over to the engineering club people, he felt a little relieved. Girl was a nerd. Maybe she could find her people there. Swelling with proud dad energy, Teddy was wholly unprepared for the unexpected voice that sprang up dangerously close. It took him a moment to place the voice, and by then…it was too late. He felt the weight of somebody leaning against him. Turning his head, still stunned at the sudden invasion of personal space to see… … … … [centre][h2][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]-AAAAAAAA[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]AAAAAAAA[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][sub][sub][sub][sub]AAAAAAAA[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub][sub][sub][sub]AAAA[/sub][/sub][/sub][sub][sub]AAAA[/sub][/sub][sub]AAAA[/sub]AAAAAAAA[sup]AAAA[/sup][sup][sup]AAAA[/sup][/sup][sup][sup][sup]AAAA[/sup][/sup][/sup][sup][sup][sup][sup]AAAAHHHH[/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup]HHHHHH[/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup][sup]HHHHHHHH-[/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/sup][/h2][/centre] While internally Teddy was having, well let’s just say a [i]mild[/i] crisis, he had thankfully not vibrated into the Quantum Realm, scattered into atoms, or fainted, so…good start. He had, however, completely detached himself from the world around him, escaping into himself to survive this...this… He had heard a voice surprisingly similar to his own saying [color=de641d]“Oh, hey.”[/color] to D-D-D…ahem, [i]Him.[/i] And he had heard that same voice meekly answer the question with, [color=de641d]“She’s Ardere and that’s Mary Sue.”[/color] It was eerie how familiar that voice was. Teddy watched from afar as the familiar large man attempted to remain was still as possible - as if he had finally successfully lured the cat at the family gathering to to his lap where it had fallen asleep and he was fully aware that even the slightest disturbance would stir the slumbering feline and cause to awaken and go on the prowl again for a more stable place to rest. The rest of the conversation unfurling around him was lost to Teddy, sounding little more than muffled voices from the next room down. Sure, he managed to pick up a word every now and then, but there would be no context. He was fully engrossed in staring at some exciting spot on the ground, seemingly enthralled by grass or something. Teddy had finally shut down. Good night. [hr] [center][h3][b][color=97aaad]Phan Le Chi Mai[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/Z1ENXTzr1L9SbYKr5i/giphy.gif?cid=790b7611698e917f12877a3dc4dcf63e937ea43745920e4a&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g[/img][hr][b][color=97aaad]Location:[/color][/b] Mailroom -> Kree Spaceship [b][color=97aaad]Skills:[/color][/b] None Used! [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1063984384832704654/1064001599313281105/mai_day_1.jpg]~First Day Fit~[/url][hr][hr][/center] [color=97aaad]“Okay, but like, honestly? The sword’s kind of a hot look on you, dude. It’s kinda growing on me.”[/color] Mai shrugged, trailing behind Sabine at first as she took in the sight of her friend fully strapped and ready to fight for a bunch of bejeweled inbred rich dudes. She then sped up to match Sabine’s strides, cursing her itty bitty legs silently. Theoretically, she [i]could[/i] always just make herself taller if she really wanted to…but that was a slippery slope. And dangerous. If she fucked up putting herself back together - a headliner in the ol’ anxiety lineup - well…we’ve already got so many other things to neurotically obsess over already, so let’s just save that particular hangup for a sunny day that needs to be a lil more shitty. [color=97aaad]“Clubs? Ugh…”[/color] Chi Mai groaned, rolling her head. She hadn’t joined any up to now. Not because she didn’t want to, mind you, but because she just couldn’t decide. She’d spend the whole year debating which one/s to join then…not actually decide on anything. Choice paralysis was real, folks. [color=97aaad]“Dude, I don’t know and it’s killing me.”[/color] she admitted, her mind finally moving away from the Bad Places and finding its nice, comfy home back in the land of shallow, meaningless chatter with the peeps. [color=97aaad]“I might just start a shitty acoustic cover band.”[/color] she sighed, resigning to a life of ukulele and breathy croning. [i]Whatever life’s left, anyway.[/i] [color=97aaad]“I dunno. If you find something fun, lemme know.”[/color] she said as they approached the crew at the nerd ship. Chi Mai, not knowing a stranger, immediately spotted three strangers. A [i]challen-[/i] Oh. One of them was that impatient freshy girl. She had been standing next to Teddy who- Bruh, what the fuck broke Teddy? Dude had gone full [url=https://i.imgur.com/5t3gXRH.png]deactivated animatronic murder bear.[/url] Huh. Vibes were fucked today. Whatever. She then noticed Danni leaning against him. And the wires in her head connected, sparking a little. Was that smoke…? Maybe a little smoke out of her ears. There was no fucking shot… Teddy? [i]Really?[/i] No fucking shot. [color=97aaad]“What’s up, sluts?”[/color] Chi Mai called alongside Sabine as they approached the nerds around their nerd shrine. When her friend started strutting the sword, Chi Mai laced her hands behind her head and grinned, letting Sabine work her shit while she cooked her roast to perfection. She'd let it slow cook, maybe hit him with it later after he's stopped thinking about it and come back down to earth just to send him on a trip again. A little treat from Chi Mai to Chi Mai. In the meanwhile, Chi Mai spotted Diana and knew what she must do - slinking over towards her and making a dramatic show of obviously checking her out. [color=97aaad]"God daaayyyymn, girl."[/color] she said slowly, putting heavy emphasis on the 'ay' as she dropped into a squat and covered her mouth with one hand. Shaking her head as she lingered, Chi Mai eventually popped back up, grinning at Diana. [color=97aaad]"Missed youuuu~"[/color] she lilted innocently. Diana was fun to tease.