Elizstrazia didn't know very much about sewing at all. But when she saw that the maid in charge of making the outfits had so many bandages, she wondered if she had a habit of storing the needles on her own body. Didn't Viatrix know how to fix things like that? Pride in your own appearance and wellbeing was important, so why would you just let bandages cover it up instead of doing something about it?! Undress? "Hehehe..." It began as a low chuckle, but soon it swelled, the scale demon's hands on her hips. "WAHAHAHA! Behold, true beauty!" There was zero hesitation. Why should she hesitate in the least? There was not a single part of her body she lacked pride in. And so, in a single motion, the petite demon whipped off her dress. It quickly became apparent that the flimsy, light garment had been the only thing she was wearing at all. While there was a very faint color to her cheeks, any hint of minding being exposed among strangers at all was practically nonexistent compared to the overpowering swell of a scale demon's pride. It simply wasn't in their nature to be bothered by bearing it all. Her body was small, and slim, and lacking any real signs of any maturity or growth in the slightest. And yet, Elizstrazia behaved as if she had just revealed the figure of the loveliest and most beautiful woman in the world to the maids. It was simply a testimony to how she felt about herself. "Well? What do you think?" The smug smile on Elizstrazia's lips was practically oozing with arrogance, her hands once again on her hips as her tail swished from side to side excitedly. She was expecting praise, no doubt. "Aren't I the most lovely thing you've ever laid eyes upon? Feel free to drop down and kiss my feet, and I won't mind if you swoon!" [@Click This][@Pyromania99][@Rune_Alchemist][@AzureKnight]