[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UM7m3To.jpg[/img][/CENTER] [indent][sub][COLOR=0F9D76][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Holly's Bedroom, Holloway Residence[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=0F9D76][b]Timeframe[/b][/COLOR] [I]Afternoon[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][sub][hr][/sub][INDENT][sub][color=0F9D76][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR] [I]Lee [@TGM][/I][/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=0F9D76][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [I][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5438783]Click Here[/url][/I][/right][/SUP][/indent] [indent][indent]Just testing you—Lee's fallback as much as her catchphrase. Holly had heard it plenty times before, and now was no different. It was her way of seeing what Holly had been thinking; to poke around in her thoughts for an answer. But this time, Holly figured Lee already knew what she'd been thinking. That despite the brave face her friend had been putting on, she was afraid. Afraid of dying, of losing another person she cared about. Holly was willing to follow Lee to the ends of the earth, but the very real reality of [i]zombies[/i] had shaken her resolve that had already been teetering since her mother's death. The everyday confidence she often wore was now replaced with a façade, one that Lee probably already saw through with ease. [color=0F9D76]"I did promise Harper that I would pick up some food from her."[/color] Holly replied, walking to the door. [color=0f9d76]"She's bringing it to the gazebo, so I need to stop by regardless."[/color] With that, Holly made her way downstairs, Lee in tow. She stopped to check her sister's room on the way down, taking a moment to ensure that Morgan was still asleep. Although their father would have been there to watch over Morgan in her absence, Holly didn't have any confidence in her father to do so. Given the meeting was just across the street, however, Holly felt Morgan would've been fine alone temporarily, just like she was earlier when Holly had stopped by next door. [color=0f9d76]"Looks like everyone's already there."[/color] She took a careful look around their front yard first for any creeps before moving to cross the street. [color=0f9d76]"Doesn't seem like they've started, though."[/color][/indent][/indent]