[Center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o5PgZ4b.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/Zm9NBje.png[/img][hr][hr][b][colour=006633]Event:[/colour][/b] Baudile and the Dame [b]|[/b] [b][colour=006633]Location:[/colour][/b] Mandelein[hr][hr][/center] The rain had stopped for the first time in eight days. Parts of the Teuffelsumpf were flooded, mirroring the not-so-far Quari’muna in its more swampy state. Mandelein was spared from the rising water levels by being in slight elevations and cleverly placed trenches to keep the streets relatively clear. It was reaching dusk. Baudile was slouched over an old chair within a defunct tavern, dressed in a casual dark tunic that resembled nothing of his clerical gown. It hadn’t been abandoned for too long, with crates still remaining from a stalled move. It was strange to see - an empty tavern in a Kerreman town - as if the soul of this place had truly been drained by something. But what? The Monk was keen on working this curious mystery. But first, he was waiting for yet another dame, one he had actual business with. A figure entered through the door, stepping inside. They were dressed in a long dark coat, beaked mask, a pointed hat, and carrying a sachet. The tavern was quiet, and already Baudile’s eyes were upon them. The figure paused for a moment, then started to slowly remove the mask. Striking green eyes peer back toward him searchingly as a shock of white hair flowed through the sides as the mask is pulled away. The dark figure had a sudden transformation as she greeted him in a casual tone. [colour=006633]“Goejûn, Baudile.”[/colour]. The voice was soft, and surprisingly warm. [colour=006633]“I hope you have not waited for too long.”[/colour] [color=#6EF2F3]“Olá to you too, Senhorita of the Dragons.”[/color] Baudile adjusted himself and leaned over the wooden table before him, elbow rested over the edge and his untied hair hiding a quarter of his face, [color=#6EF2F3]“I got a little worried when the only girl with white hair was taller than me. You didn’t make the cut for their group?”[/color] suggested Baudile with a taunting grin as he reached for a pouch tied to his belt. Two cigarettes were taken out, freshly rolled, with one fitting into his beak. He then lit up while offering the second to the girl, [color=#6EF2F3]“Your information was good, by the way.”[/color] he remarked after exhaling a cloud of smoke, [color=#6EF2F3]“This is where they’re unloading the goods. Now, what that is, I’m not entirely certain yet.”[/color] Taleja seated herself at the table as she learned forward slightly. Her green eyes focused upon the monk in front of her as she spoke in that measured and controlled tone. [colour=006633]“They have already arrived?”[/colour] Her voice displaying a hint of surprise, [colour=006633]“It is far swifter than anticipated. Have the Zeno provided their names?”[/colour] she queried, as she was attempting to recall those with white hair. [color=#6EF2F3]“Zenos?”[/color] inquired Baudile, brow raised and grin only widening. [colour=006633]“Tan-Zeno?”[/colour] mimicking the gesture of the raised brow. [color=#6EF2F3]“Are many Tan-Zenos sixteen-to-seventeen years old?”[/color] he crossed his arms as the cigarette passively burned away. [colour=006633]“Biro?”[/colour] her tone bordered on incredulous as she pursed her lips disapprovingly. [color=#6EF2F3]“Biro.”[/color] chuckled the amused man, taking a generous puff to celebrate. As Baudile offered her the cigarette, she raised her hand to politely refuse it, and instead, reached into a small leather pouch at her side. The scent of mint wafted up as she retrieved a piece of gum, and offered one to Baudile as well. [colour=006633]“Tree resin, you chew upon it.”[/colour] she explained, her voice showing a faint note of amusement. [colour=006633]“My information is always good.”[/colour] Taleja continued, her tone firm and confident. [colour=006633]“That has never been questioned.”[/colour] She paused as her eyes narrowed slightly as she considered the product. [colour=006633]“What it is, needs to be handled delicately with care.”[/colour] Her words careful. [colour=006633]“That much is clear.”[/colour] [color=#6EF2F3]“I wouldn’t be able to say what’s the best approach,”[/color] unlike the girl, Baudile accepted the minty delicacy, although he kept it by his hand on the table and continued to indulge in his smoke, [color=#6EF2F3]“I’ve been here for two weeks and not even my own brother will open up, let alone the townsfolk. So,”[/color] he shrugged, [color=#6EF2F3]“I’ve been employing a more hands-on approach.”[/color] from the same pouch, a capsule was taken out, and if opened would reveal a coded scroll, [color=#6EF2F3]“Your correspondence led to their supply chain showing their hand. Whatever is going on here, it’s connected to these bastardos. And they expect a shipment from you.”[/color] Taleja extended her gloved hand toward Baudile, her fingers curled expectantly as he carefully placed the small capsule within her palm, which she examined with a discerning eye. [colour=006633]“Translated, I presume”[/colour] Her voice cool. With deft fingers, she opened the capsule and extracted a scroll, scanning the words and the translated code with a practised eye. As she finished reading, she moved the candle on the table closer to them, its flickering light casting strange shadows on their faces. She held the scroll to the flame and watched as the paper curled and blackened, its contents consumed by the fire, and the air between them filled with the scent of burning parchment. She leaned back in her chair, crossing her legs and tapping her fingers on the edge of the table. [colour=006633]“Biro. Unpredictable, but we have little choice. This task cannot be completed alone.”[/colour] She paused for a moment, deep in thought, before continuing. [colour=006633]“The plan…”[/colour] She looked up at Baudile, her green eyes meeting his gaze. [colour=006633]“What do you suggest for our next steps?”[/colour] [color=#6EF2F3]“Make some friends.”[/color] Baudile half-jokingly recommended, [color=#6EF2F3]“It’s Brother Dubosque out of this room, by the way.”[/color] the finished cigarette was pressed to the ashtray and the remains discarded, [color=#6EF2F3]“But you’ll want some that can scrap. Which I’m no good at. I’d like to keep this pretty face intact.”[/color] always the ‘charming’ man, dancing around the notion of danger and acting far too cool given the circumstances, [color=#6EF2F3]“But there is something you should know about the forest.”[/color] his tone had lost its playful lustre as he engaged the new subject, [color=#6EF2F3]“The group that went after the supposed ‘beast’ hasn’t returned since the early hours of Ipte. Whatever is happening in there, always have a backup plan. Like me.”[/color] he winked, [color=#6EF2F3]”Must-have if you’re going under the Church’s nose. Which leads me to my final bit of advice: You were among their group from the start, if anybody asks. You were just delayed in Irsburg for …”[/color] he shrugged, [color=#6EF2F3]“Something scientific. Whatever floats your boat.”[/color] She looked toward Baudile with a straight face and a monotone voice as she responded with a single word in deadpan delivery. [colour=006633]“Buoyancy.”[/colour] Baudile furrowed his eyebrows. Taleja tapped thoughtfully as she considered the situation, [colour=006633]“Have you identified any of the Biro?”[/colour] Baudile paused and raised his eyes in muse, [color=#6EF2F3]“I know one by name. Una linda senhorita called Dorothea.”[/color] then, a thought crossed his mind, an unsettling one, and it reflected on his deflating features, [color=#6EF2F3]“A nun too. Laske or something? The rest I only saw them wander the streets. They’re staying at the only functioning Tavern-Inn.”[/color] She nodded, [colour=006633]“The Feskan is the ideal candidate for me to approach.”[/colour] She weighed the pro and cons of each potential course of action, as she took a deep breath and spoke thoughtfully. [colour=006633]“It’s possible that those are missing are competent enough to return by themselves. In this scenario, we can save time and resources by focusing solely on the task before us and prevent this abhorrent scheme from coming to fruition.”[/colour] She paused briefly, [colour=006633]“However, if they are not capable. The ones that remain are likely to organize a rescue party to retrieve their missing classmates.”[/colour] Baudile nodded as he opted to stand. A bit of stretches and a yawn later, he spoke again, [color=#6EF2F3]“If they don’t return by nightfall, we’ve got reason to worry, but until then -”[/color] he swiped a beret he had lying on the nearby counter wore it, [color=#6EF2F3]“Best not to get into trouble, even with the smugglers, when you do the meet. Could be wise to get some information and scout out their resources first, no?”[/color] She paused for a moment before adding with a deadpan expression. [colour=006633]“We don’t want anyone getting lost on the way, after all.”[/colour] [hr][hr]