[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rsDBWoE.png[/img][/center] [hr][@Zeroth] As the Tatzelwurm reeled from Ushnekh's swift counterattack-- the pupils set within the runt's orange-gold eyes suddenly dilated as the animal before him began to panic. The taste of blood that filled his mouth, the growing body of an incredibly violent monster species, the slight dull to his thinking from the drain on his mana... Seeing the creature struggle to turn tail caused a sudden surge of adrenaline to flood Ushnekh's body as his predatory insticts [i]flared[/i] to life. Raising his stick high over his head-- Ushnekh threw his entire weight behind a violent downswing; some kind of accent slipping into the bellow of predatory fury as he went for the kill with [b]everything[/b] he had left. [color=orange]"[b][i]URF WAAAAGHVE[/i][/b]!"[/color] Just as the tatzelwurm's claws dug into the ground, its tail whipping behind it, the earth it needed for purchase rose up again. As the shockwave spread out once more, overlapping with the previous one, the already loose earth was turned upwards and over as if a huge industrial plough ran through it. The Tatzelwurm was buried and crushed underneath the avalanche, its long tail sticking up from between two large clods. [quote=SYSTEM] [b]The enemy has been vanquished![/b] Loot:[list] [*]Mangled Tatzelwurm [/list] [b]You have no MP remaining.[/b] [/quote] The double earth wave had also loosened the roots of some of the plantlife around the area, causing a few bushes to fall over. In the process, it cleared Ushnekh's line of sight back in the direction of the camp--he'd be able to see Duram and Agar approaching. They would also see him collapse to his knees, as if he'd just run a mile at a full sprint. After several long seconds of catching his breath, Ushnekh shakily rose to his feet; using his stick for support. Hobbling over to his prize, the runt appraised his kill with a grimace-- hoping that the mangled body would satisfy whatever conditions were necessary for completing the quest assigned by the head warrior. He just hoped they wouldn't ask how the hell the thing had died. Freezing for a moment, Ushnekh stared at the pair of runts that were suddenly within his line of sight... Before promptly hurrying off toward the camp as if he had nothing to do with the sudden change of the forest terrain.