[hider=Solis Ecclesia] [center] [color=00aeef]Nation Name[/color]:Solis Ecclesia [color=00aeef]Government Form[/color]: [sub]Religious Oligarchy[/sub] [color=00aeef]Demographics[/color]: [sub] 100% human ( Adapted to high heat and radiation enviroments)[/sub] [color=00aeef]Population[/color]: [sub] 2 Billion: Large [/sub] --- [sub][img]https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/31VLccfw4AL._AC_SX450_.jpg[/img][/sub] --- [/center] [color=39b54a]Planet Name and Description[/color]: [sub]Calth is a large arid planet that orbits its parent star 0.9 AU at its farthest and almost 0.7 AU at its closets. Due to the proximity to its star, the climate is hot and dry with the primary water source coming from large underground aquifers. One large ocean dominates the southern hemisphere of the planet, dotted with islands. [/sub] [color=39b54a]History[/color]: [sub]After the colony ships landed, many colonists struggled to cope with the heat and increased radiation from the star, making resources gathering tedious. As generations struggled against the environment, genetic resistances were established making growth of the colony possible. As subsequent generations increased their knowledge of their parent star, the solar cult was born increasing their zeal for more knowledge. Currently, the Solis Ecclesia majority control over their planet and has began extracting resources from their only moon. Travel beyond the gravitational influence of Calth is reserved for specialized long range craft. [/sub] [color=39b54a]Culture and Society[/color]: [sub] True believers of the solar truth believe that everything and everyone is descended from the stars. Stars are living gods and their incandescent glow is a sign of their eternal love and warmth. Of course, not every citizen subscribes to the extreme religious views of the true believers. These citizens still hold the sun as an important entity but subscribe to a number of theories regarding the founding of the human species and the galaxy as a whole. A majority of solites have a deep disdsain, bordering on hate, for aliens. They see these other species as either being, devoid of “solar influence” or regard them as mutants. Life within the cities and settlements of Calth is serene yet extremely restrictive. The church's secret police are always on the lookout for dissidents and non-believers. Any public disdain voiced against the church or solar cult are met with both public shame, possible violence and a visit from the secret police. Life on the arid plains is relatively free, unlike life within the settlements. There are few visits from any authorities, except for important reasons. Many lack the wealth to build or buy outside of the cities and settlements as security is a concern. Bandits, outlaws and escaped aliens are known to prey upon weaker citizens for survival. [/sub] [center] --- [/center] [color=f7941d]Governance and Politics[/color]: [sub]The Ecclesia is a religious oligarchy, ultimately governed by a high council of solar preist. Their word is passed down to regional governors and from them to local church leaders. The word of these leaders is the law and any deviation from the word of the local or regional ecclesiarch is harshly punished.[/sub] [color=f7941d]Technology Overview[/color]: [sub] - Localized and large-scale fusion power: As a solar cult, obsessed with the power of stars, harnessing the powers of fusion for energy was a priority - Plasma weaponry: pretty straight forward, localized electrically charged gas fired at high speeds and able to burn through things - Electrical projectile acceleration: Due to having a great electrical power at their disposal, this was the next logical step for projectile acceleration. This surpasses the standard explosive chemical acceleration and allows for increased acceleration speeds - Advanced heat and radiation shielding: Being near a star, has forced the Solites to adapt their buildings, habitats and other tech to be extremely heat and radiation resistant [/sub] [color=f7941d]Military Overview[/color]: [sub] The Solis Ecclesia has a very standard military. The majority of the fighting men and women of the Solis Ecclesia are basic general infantry, well trained to fight en-masse while supported with armor and artillery. This is reinforced with a constant rotation of conscripts, usually young adults finishing school or other specialized education. The navy provides both transport and combat capabilities for the military. In both the army and navy specialist and elite divisions exist, the majority of combat forces in the Solis Ecclesia are well trained mass general infantry. Solites do not win their battles with grand actions or covert missions. They are won by grinding attrition and the lives of Solites. [/sub] [/hider] Second NS, I think this was accepted before the PUNT war ended