To be honest, this was quite a bit to deal with at once. Dame Serenity's words took Fanilly somewhat off-guard, and it was followed by the revelation that basically every single knight present had experienced the strange dream. At this point, the young Knight-Captain had to wonder if every single Knight in Candaeln had. And to top it all off, the rabbit-eared girl revealed herself to have been sent by the Witch-Knight, from Akitsushima, through methods that Fanilly could barely even understand. Though her grasp of Veltan was not exactly fluent, she picked up enough of it to know most of what she had said before Sir Lein elected to provide a more thorough translation. What did this mean for the dreams? What did this mean for any of it? It had to mean [i]something[/i]. The girl-knight took a deep breath and tried to clear her mind. Putting aside the matter of the dream, it was best to begin with their guest. "I... very well," she said, bowing her head, "A direct emmisary of one of the founding Knights will always be welcome within Candaeln's walls regardless of purpose, and... well, I think any of us will be happy to see a demonstration of your skills." Her awareness of Akitsushiman combat techniques was vague, but she understood that they were different then ones she was familiar with due to a different sort of martial history and make of their weapons. [@ERode][@PigeonOfAstora][@Raineh Daze][@Conscripts][@Crimson Paladin]