[hr][hr][center][h3][color=#9370DB][b]☀️ Nancy Parker ☀️[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://media4.giphy.com/media/3owytRiu2nuCOHw8ZG/giphy.gif[/img][hr][b][color=#9370DB]Location:[/color][/b] Burger King [b][color=#9370DB]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] [i]Ladies, this is Alexios God of Parties and also my betrothed. Long story.[/i] Nancy had initially focused on the second bit of that sentence, due to its aggressively shocking nature. Or maybe her brain had purposefully just missed that first bit of information, in an attempt to keep her calm. But now Demetri's introduction of his fiancé rang through her mind as Alexios proposed a [i]party bus[/i] of all things. [color=#9370DB]"No,"[/color] Nancy said firmly. Her fingers twitched slightly. She would not be riding in a party bus. She would rather rip all of her nails off one by one and then eat them, feeling their bloody and jagged edges scrape down the inside of her throat. She would rather scoop out her own eyeballs and offer them as a ritualistic boon. She would rather drink nothing but poison for the rest of her days. [color=#9370DB]"You can all go on the [i]party bus[/i], but I won't be going. I'd rather travel by train alone and meet you on the Strip."[/color] Solo travel was never a good idea for a demigod - it was its own sort of death sentence - but Nancy wasn't budging. She already was going to be drowning in her own trauma at the Lotus Hotel and Casino. She wasn't interested in pre-gaming that experience. Her hands shook slightly as she reached for her shake and took another sip. Her thoughts drifted briefly towards Mads and Niah. She wished they were here. She wouldn't need to explain this boundary over and over again if they were. The suggestion wouldn't have even been made. Grody ass Greeks.[hr][hr][center][h3][color=a187be][b]🌈 Leda Storm 🌈[/b][/color][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/97b8c553cbb195c7ea49cc44e8711ccc/tumblr_inline_p1oageaqHl1rifr4k_540.gif[/img][hr][b][color=a187be]Location:[/color][/b] Under the Sea [b][color=a187be]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Leda took the reins of the hippocampus that had been offered to her - the first time she actually got to be the one holding the reins and whatnot, actually. Every other time, she had been (lovingly) holding onto her girlfriend. [color=a187be]"Do you like to go fast, little fella?"[/color] Leda murmured to her hippocampus, petting it slightly on the nose. [color=a187be]"I do too. So if you could be a speedy little thing... I'd be fucking chuffed."[/color] Leda hoped that the hippocampus understood her, even though she didn't have any magical Poseidon powers to bridge that communication gap. She absently wondered for a moment if maybe she could talk to butterflies - they were kinda rainbow themed, right? Leda swung herself up onto the hippocampus, and speedily followed Kiera and Sera along the way. The trip was pretty short, which Leda was thankful for, as her attention span was even shorter. She hopped off of her hippocampus, still keeping a hold on the reins just in case. The sight over the ridge was horrible. The blood in Leda's body began to pump at double time. She could see the titan himself - and his thousand strong army. But most importantly, he had the object they had been sent to retrieve. [color=a187be]"Yeah, that's Poseidon's trident,"[/color] Leda whispered to Sera.