[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Sz1t1dr.png[/img] [hr][b][color=#00bf60]Location:[/color][/b] Harrisburg, PA - Hotel Room [b][color=#00bf60]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A[/center] [hr][hr] Stella had been able to keep herself awake for that first hour by gently petting Arbor and focusing on keeping watch on the door and window. It seemed uneventful until there was that voice at the door, and Stella could feel every hair on her body stand on edge. Housekeeping wouldn't be bothering any guests at this hour, not without being called, and they hadn't called. Also, housekeeping would knock. Then the shaking of the door started, and she got up off the couch and went to grab the potted plant on the end table next to her. It was the closest thing she knew she could make use of, and she also went to get her sickle as well. [color=#00bf60]"...I guess we couldn't outrun them forever..."[/color] Her voice was so small, so quiet at that point as her eyes went over to their other companion the floor. She walked over as quiet as she could, while still holding the potted plant and sickle and then nudged Niah softly. [color=#00bf60]"Niah... wake up. There's a cyclops and it seems we're gonna have to fight this time,"[/color] she whispered to her, hoping that would be enough to wake the older teen. Her eyes darted over to Arbor, who was still on the couch. His heckles were beginning to raise, as he realized they wee going to fight as well. Stella put a finger to her lips, trying to encourage him to keep himself quiet for as long as they could manage.