Aeron: *chuckles darkly, and looks toward Alucard* Ah, 'Father'. Come to reprimand me, have you? Alucard: *with a dark look in his eye, he looks toward his enemy* 'Son'. You are still my dear Shinji. My little boy. Albeit, something much darker. You are the 'Son' that took the path of least resistance. Ultimately.. It will be a path of failure. Aeron: Failure, you say... yet I have achieved more than Shinji ever did. Alucard: and yet.... he will become so much more than you could hope to achieve. You let your anger cloud you. You let it [i]drive[/i] you, as it did shinji when he hunted me down. Aeron: my anger will drive something much more important than myself. More important than all of us. Alucard: It will drive you into madness... but it would seem I can't change your mind.