[center][img]https://images-ext-1.discordapp.net/external/BmS_KOXj6xuODg09TIS0RNjzOK68kgDztQ9nNdI3Yg0/https/fontmeme.com/permalink/230330/6ca12ad9d4a41de66f03b64b9e0e2453.png[/img][/center] [b][color=0e99ff]Time:[/color][/b] Morning [b][color=0e99ff]Location:[/color][/b] Port Vanarosa [b][color=0e99ff]Interactions:[/color][/b] The Crew, the New Dawn Leaders [b][color=0e99ff]Mentions:[/color][/b] Isamel and Tanithil. [b][color=0e99ff]Equipment: [/color][/b] Sword, ring, and a mug. [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1096218776254558298/sparkly.png[/img][/center] Port Vanarosa was, among other things, the closest thing to a day off the crew of the Saltrunner got typically. The Avalian sun just peaked over the horizon on a new day as the port came into view. The captain, a middle-aged light elf who could outshine the stars, stayed at the wheel. Captain Morr called for the back sails to be raised and for the human pyromancer to be brought from below deck. Once they made anchor, and once the mast was closed, Drosis gathered his entire crew at the bow for an address. [color=0e99ff]"All of you, listen to me. This human is our charge, and that means he's part of the crew from here on. The dark elves can and will hunt us down if they get so much as a suspicion that his kind're back in Avalia, so we're not to be the first ones that let it slip. The knowledge that Ismael's afoot in our world doesn't leave the deck. Tanithil, you're his guard until he learns which way's up.”[/color] Drosis’ voice commanded respect and filled with iron. He spoke with meaning, and the crew knew he didn’t mess around. [color=0e99ff]”Arlen, you know the deal. See that the gold’s sorted out. Tanithil-“[/color] He singled out one of the disgraced higher-class elves above his ship. [color=0e99ff]”You’re responsible for keeping Ismael in line. Do [i]not[/i] let him wander, or show his face out in the streets.”[/color] He turned to the human, who he was referring to. [color=0e99ff]”Malthemoor has spies everywhere. Once one of them knows your face, the port’ll be infested. Stay low, and stick to this man like your life depends on it. This is your chance to blend in, and learn what you can.”[/color] Drosis said, and then addressed everyone else. [color=0e99ff]”All the rest of you, go. Drink. Look over your shoulder. We leave in one week.”[/color] Normally, they would only stay three days. The first to unload, the second to reload, the next to finish business. That was how it always was. However, now they had a secret rebel they needed to acclimate to their world. They would be staying longer to accommodate that need. Drosis walked back to the stern of the Saltrunner, and entered the captains quarters. [center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1096218776254558298/sparkly.png[/img][/center] [img] https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.IMO8-Hfues-DlC_FFrz6NwHaEP%26pid%3DApi&f=1&ipt=60a3ffce178395f315cb5f5d14520bead656fd8932666a228a5afa67612b8d5e&ipo=images[/img] The room was small, like an overnight room at an inn. There was a floor chest on one side, a tall cabinet on the other, and a large desk in the middle of the room. From a drawer, Drosis fished out a journal and a pen, noting the time of day and the crew’s arrival in port. He took a seat in a darkly colored wooden chair, and rolled up his sleeve to access his transmission bracelet. He pinged all four other bracelets, for Lumm, Malachi, the Dynewynns, and Menzai. [color=0e99ff]”All channels, this is Captain Morr speaking. The Saltrunner has just made landing in Port Vanarosa, in line with schedule. We are unloading cargo, and will depart for River Port one week from today.”[/color] He leaned back in his chair, fidgeting with a “souvenir” he never put with the rest- A warforged’s eye that he shot out of the machine’s head with a light blast. [color=0e99ff]”I’ve trust our Chosen One with one of my more dependable hands. He’ll teach the boy to keep his head down, sparks and all.”[/color] Everyone beneath the age of 200 was either “boy” or “kid” to the Captain in some capacity. He was over 600, he had a right to call people that. [color=0e99ff]”We expect little trouble, so long as Ismael doesn’t cause a scene. Should that happen, we will confine him to the lower deck until further notice. That is all. Morr out.”[/color] He cut the transmission, and pulled out a separate notebook to run through some preliminary logistics for the next ten minutes… A glance at the ledger here, an update to the log there, and everyone was good to go. Drosis locked the quarters in his way out and headed to whatever tavern all the other crew members were lonely getting drunk in. Tanithil could handle Ismael. And if he couldn’t, Drosis could always throw him in the lowest deck for a day.