[quote=@souleaterfan320] Aeron: did you come here just to talk, that show of your aura, was that all just a ploy? Alucard: *grins toothily* When have you ever known me to boast without action? Aeron: *sighs* You're going to actually make me [i]kill[/i] you... aren't you? You know I don't want it to lead to that... just join us. This doesn't have ot end in bloodshed. Alucard: bloodshed is the way of our lives, Aeron. Our lives are intertwined, the moment you and Shinji were born. We were cursed with misfortune. But shinji has a chance to change that. And if fighting you can buy him a little more time to do so... then I won't turn down a chance to see if I'm still up to snuff. *raises my Jackal and Casull .45 pistols, leveled at your head* Shall we begin this tiresome dance, son of mine? Aeron:.... no. I refuse to fight you. This is stupid. Can't it be settled another way? Alucard: you refused that way. You became lost in your delusion. Now draw your weapon. [/quote] *Observes from the shadows*