[quote=@souleaterfan320] Aeron: *grits my teeth* Damn it! *lunges at alucard whith a fist to his stomach, who phasesteps to the side, placing his pistol to aerons head, firing a round that rips through space upon exiting the barrel, knocking aeron acros the landscape a few feet. Aeron regains his composure and walks towards alucard* Alucard: Don't worry, I' ll keep this fun; for the both of us. *fires multiple rounds at aeron, which seemingly dissapear from the nearby scenery, as if teleported elsewhere befor impact* Aeron: *grabs alucards head, a portal opening in the palm of my hand. All of the bullets fired exit, riping through alucards flesh, as his remaining body goes slump, and he drops the body.* Alucard: *another me forms in frotn of aeron, firing a bullet straight itno his face. The bullet scratches his face before plinging off as if it hit a sheet of metal* Aeron: I thought you said you'd make it interesting...? *thrusts my fist through his arm, sending the gun and arm flying off* Alucard: *a beastly mosnter forms from the blood of my arm, biting into your neck, pinning you down to the ground as my arm reforms, summonign the gun back into my hand as I pull the trigger multiple times, sendign multiple rounds towards your mid-torso* [/quote] *Shifts my plate armor from the distance*