[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/392257844256440322/1058612497462071306/48c9191838572d0477a6d8b42f5014b8.png[/img][sub][color=2471A3]February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am[/color][/sub][/center][hr] Caspian felt as the world's gravity began to lessen around him. The sudden feeling of weightlessness made him momentarily feel as though he was freefalling even when he hadn’t moved an inch. He choked back any food that wanted to disagree with him right now and tried to focus on the task at hand. All he needed to do was get his hand on the metal strip before him and change its properties to something less conductive. He’d already decided on which metal to shift it to, Bismuth, something that didn’t wouldn’t require a massive shift in the source material and would melt instantly when struck by electricity. There was a shit eating grin on Caspian’s face as he was about to ruin the Inquisitor's delicately designed metal cage. All of that changed as the hum of the room fell silent, coalescing into one central point before vanishing all together. Fuck. Well that just made this easier right? Now he didn’t have to worry about his heart stopping or brain frying as he touched the metal's surface, it did however, mean that Quinn’s aid was no longer needed. Caspian was just about to land his spell when he’d realized why the room fell so silent. Quinn had been taken hostage, and the Inquisitor was asking for Lyra’s life in exchange for Quinn’s. He didn’t dare make his move, he knew he couldn’t get to him fast enough, and anything else could be seen as a threat towards the Inquisitor. He tried to think of how best to approach this when the Astorio gave the go ahead to kill Quinn. He had to be bluffing right? It was just an attempt to get the Inquisitor to pause and rethink his plan in who he should take hostage right? Caspian clenched his jaw, irritation running through him as the situation unfolded before him. Astorio wanted him to somehow save the mage. Great, which one? He assumed he meant the newly acquired prisoner, but that left Quinn dead in the water. What's more the only way out was through the Inquisitor and Quinn himself. Caspian was beginning to wish that the damned brute was more instructive with what he wanted rather than constantly tossing out vague notions of his expectations for him. He began to study the room, searching for alternatives he could use when he felt a sudden tug within. The strange feeling of weightlessness left him as he came crashing back down towards the ground, landing ass first onto the solid floor. Caspian let out a grunt of pain followed by a groan as he began to stand up, rubbing the sore spot. Somehow in such a short amount of time they had gone from beating this Inquisitor at his own game to having two teammates willing trade lives just to stay alive. He had to believe there was some grander plan at play here, something involving Lyra coming in hot with Quinn’s ploy only to give the Inquisitor the hardest right hook he’d ever had the displeasure of feeling. If Caspian could somehow manage to make contact with Quinn he’d have been able to bolster him so that hopefully the lighting strike didn't deal as much damage. Better yet, if he could land one hit on the Inquisitor Caspian could attempt to sap him of his strength and leave him an exhausted mess. Unfortunately he was nowhere near the pair and something told him that the Astorios patience was faster than a t timer from Taboo. As Lyra began to taunt the Inquisitor, Caspian decided on how best to proceed. If all else failed and lightning began to fly, he’d have to attempt to cause an eruption of water between the two so that Quinn would go flying out of harm's way and the Inquisitor would hopefully bash his head into a nearby wall.