[quote=@Revolutionary] You betcha. Hope you rested up nicely. [/quote] Good. *tosses you a still suit, explainign what its for* Put that on and we'll head out. *a call rings out from my phone, and I check it* ... *picks it up, putting it on speaker* ...Father what's going on? I can barely hear you- Alucard: I'm buying you some time. Aeron was on his way to the main headquarters to the EDB. I'm keeping him busy for a moment. You need to act fast. Finish that training. I can handle this until then. Shinji: dad, you need to get out of there, he'll kill you! Alucard: I know that is a possibility, but since when has death stopped me before? Ill find a way back to you. I promise. I love you, son. Shinji: ... I love you too. Alucard: the sun is always brightest after the rain. Keep pressing on, my child. I'm proud of you. *the call clicks, alucard having hung up* Wait, [i]dad![/i] .... FUCK. *crushes my phone in my bare hands*