[@Quartz] I was thinking about game master, but I wanted to participate, so It'll be fully cooperative, although I do have a general direction for where I want the story to go. thanks for the compliment on the CS, I thought about dialing it back, but I'm glad it's not too much [@King Cosmos] As far as magic goes, I've been thinking about it and I find it hard to put a limit on magic spells and such after already being at a place where magic users would be powerful, so for all intents and purposes as long as it doesn't get too out of hand, I'll allow most powerful spells. For how it works, you have your standard offensive spells, lightning, fire, earth, and the like, mostly what would be considered black magic or battle magic. and then you have healing and defensive magic like barriers, healing spells, buffs and such. I'm also open to ideas. For Octavia, if you have any questions, be my guest [@Dragonfly 9] thanks for your interest!