[quote=@LuckyBlackCat] [b]- What's your most treasured memory?[/b] [/quote] [url=https://www.pngitem.com/pimgs/m/90-908106_anime-short-brown-haired-anime-girl-613x866-cute.png]Evie[/url], 19, college student "Oh my gosh! I have so many amazing memories with my sister Martha! She's... aahh... *blushes*... [i]perfect[/i]... I treasure every moment I'm with her <3 I'll always remember the heavenly scent of her hair... it takes me back to when we were kids playing at the park. I think that's the first time I realized I loved her... as more than just my sister. And of course, there's the more recent times we shared in the bathtub together... tehee!" [b]What was the last dream you had about?[/b]