[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/underwater-love-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230206/8f7f1f6dbd752b7f478920c64cae2854.png[/img][/url][/center] Meki awoke to the sound of the cuccos, their call seemed to beckon her all the way from the river. She'd noticed the water was warmer, well at least lacked the ominous chill of the other day. She gripped her spear in her hand to make sure it remained then pulled herself out of the water. She took a deep breath of the cool meadow air before completely removing herself from the river. She then made her way back to Kakariko Village. Along the way children had gathered in their group in the puddles on the shore, all greeted her with waves and 'good morning'. The people of the village were so outgoing and welcoming. Meki responded back with waves of her own, answering the occasionally questions but dodging others, she had one goal in mind today, find the Impa woman many spoke of. It took some time of Meki trying to recollect her bearings, without the direction of the water Kakariko village was a nightmare to navigate, and many questions to many villagers but eventually she finds herself at the bottom of a set of stairs to a simple house. She looks up at the door steps above her and takes a shaky breath. The woman might not even be home? Or perhaps she wasn't all that friendly. Pushing all the doubt down she calls out a shaky [color=cyan]"Hello? Impa?"[/color]