[hider=Mining Equipment] Portable Coring machine for sample collection, with pipe extensions for collecting samples 10-20 meters depth. [/hider] [hider=Field Science kits] Portable field tablets [hider=Tablet][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/v2/317x464q90/r/923/zmsB4k.png[/img][/hider] Ruggedized tablet, used to record findings, video cam, built in survival and first aid information. Can be used with a portable scanner for field testing. Various apps and DB available. Includes rear solar charger panel. Possibly some of the units we're using for translators. Messenger bags - In the Jo's colors and crest, holds various sizes of sample bags and containers, some field tools. Wrist Inertial Compass/locator - keeps track of all movements by the wearer, allowing them to retrace their steps. - radio transponder so ship can track their movements. - Distress beacon - configured that only deliberate action can trigger. Field (game) cameras - Monitors movements in the local area, may be networked.[/hider]