[b]Main Character:[/b] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/736x/35/e3/48/35e34847c63503425aa6c8c27c726169.jpg]Tyrell Omi-Ren[/url] Human Male, former Separatist Intelligence Agent during the Clone Wars. Slowing down in his old age he still has a knack for slicing, combat, tactics, using droids, and espionage. He couldn't go toe to toe with a young ISB Agent, Commandos, or even your average Mandalorian but he can hold his own against standard infantry. With his expertise he was sent to Signal Mountain to help oversee the safe relocation of DISPATCHER. Utilizes a network of DRK-Series probe droids, and is usually seen flanked by two BX-Commando droids. [b]Active Short Term:[/b]