[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/aRfAXko.png[/img][/center] [hr] [i][b]Primitive[/b][/i] [hr] [color=fd5e53]"Divide."[/color] Yalen chanted. The invisible link between his manas and Jocasta's was severed once more, leaving behind a vague feeling of emptiness within their flesh. He placed his hand on her scalp and let it rest there. [color=fd5e53]"I would have warned you, but there was no time to think. I won't do it without your permission again."[/color] Yalen twisted his head over his shoulder conspiratorially, as if he was about to reveal some kind of forbidden secret. The priest leaned forward slightly and whispered, not through his mouth, but via his thoughts. He knew Jocasta could hear him. [color=fd5e53][i]I've borrowed your power, and if you wish for it then you may borrow mine as well. I know how it feels for you to lose control of yourself. If there is something I can do to help, then I'll offer everything I have.[/i][/color] Yalen reached into his bag and fished out a worn out leatherbound journal. It was the same journal his wife had seen him writing in many times over the course of his training from the church. Between its pages was a folded piece of paper. [color=fd5e53][i]I can't do anything for you until we return home, so hold on to this. It contains all the notes I've collected thus far. It's written in cypher, but I have given you the code.[/i][/color] He gently pushed the object into her waiting hands. [color=fd5e53][i]Do not breathe a word of this to anyone. If my superiors find out, it is me they will put to death, not you.[/i][/color] There was a long pause, and the emotions that he knew Jocasta normally kept a lid on roiled beneath a blank-faced lid. She swallowed, eyes making the trip between the book and him a couple of times. [color=ffdead]"I... Huh!"[/color] She snorted with an ironic unmirthful sort of mirth. Then, she forced herself to speak in mind. [color=ffdead][i]I didn't think it would be that simple.[/i][/color] Wife regarded husband, then, thoughts darting about behind her gaze. She shook her head softly. [color=ffdead][i]You are far too good for me, Yalen, and far to good [b]to[/b] me, I fear.[/i][/color] She flattened her palms against the aged leather and ran them across it both absently and reverently. She took a deep breath and smiled, gripping it dearly. [color=ffdead]"[i]Ipte,[/i] I love you."[/color] She tucked the book beside her legs before reaching up to hug him, and she lingered in the embrace. [color=ffdead][i]Every time that I doubt, you remind me. I won't let you down.[/i][/color] Jocasta eased back into her seat and reached down to adjust her legs and feet, one of which had slid off of its footrest. She placed the book back on her lap and brushed some hair from her shoulder. [color=ffdead]"I see you've just given me a puzzle, husbean. You know how much I hate puzzles. Is this [i]only[/i] for secrecy or is this some sort of attempt to make me grow as a person?"[/color] She smiled up at him. Yalen raised an eyebrow. [color=fd5e53]"It's not much of a puzzle if I gave you the answer key now is it?"[/color] He replied with a smirk. As Jocasta was momentarily breath taken with him yet again, he stole the opportunity to circle around and grab the handles of her wheelchair. Some familiarity was just what he needed to calm his nerves after surviving that death trap. [color=fd5e53]"In any case, you should give yourself more credit. The old you would have crushed my head after a stunt like that."[/color] He commented while pushing her forward. They would be reunited with the others soon. Their presences could be felt beyond the final doorway. [color=ffdead]"I would've threatened to, Yalen."[/color] She rolled her eyes, twisting in her seat to reach up and give him a small kiss. [color=ffdead]"But I wouldn't have done it. I was sweet on you even back then."[/color] Truth be told, she didn't like being pushed unless it was an uphill or she was tired, but she recognized it for the comforting gesture and opportunity to be close that it was and she didn't fight it. [color=ffdead][i]You [b]are[/b] more than your past, Jocasta.[/i][/color] Sometimes, in her head, she was still Consuela, but less so these days. Just as they were about to emerge, she made him a promise. [color=ffdead]"I promise to study this diligently, and to check on you. Not tonight, but tomorrow, once you're in Retan, scan your surroundings and we'll find each other."[/color] She shook her head. [color=ffdead]"I want to become powerful with you: powerful enough to remove all of the limits and the dangers that hold us back, so that we can live as we want."[/color] It was seamless. There was barely a pause if any. [color=ffdead]"And make the world better for everyone in it."[/color] [color=fd5e53]"Agreed."[/color] Yalen answered back. [color=fd5e53]"Together we can end this madness. No more ancient evils. No more Traveler."[/color] He closed his eyes. [color=fd5e53]"When we're done rescuing the world, maybe we can go on a vacation. Visit someplace overseas? My classmates tell me that Nikan's cherry blossom season is not to be missed."[/color] Certainly, it would be nice to unwind, but even as he spoke Yalen's imagination was in a much farther place. When the two of them were done with the heroics, he hoped that they could retire quietly to the countryside and live in peace where nobody could bother them. The priest had become strong out of necessity, but being in constant danger still shaved away at his nerves. He just wanted to end the crisis and bring stability back to Sipenta. [color=ffdead]"Djamant,"[/color] Jocasta said simply, as if reading his thoughts though, in truth, she had not had to use magic. [color=fd5e53]"Fine... but our summer home will be built in Verignac."[/color] Yalen pouted. He was, as ever, a homebody. [color=ffdead]"Though we will vacation in Torragon from time to time?"[/color] [color=fd5e53]"Warming up to Ayla at last, are we?"[/color] Yalen reached over to rub her head again. She batted his hand away. [color=ffdead]"I am not your little doggie to pet, husbean."[/color] She paused. [color=ffdead]"Also, Blarth. I've always wanted to go somewhere arctic. Penguins are cute."[/color] [color=fd5e53]"As long as there aren't any portals to the netherworld there..."[/color] Yalen sighed. His first encounter with a demon would also be his last if he had any say about it. The trip to the south was still fresh in his mind. [color=ffdead]"Agreed. Demons are gross. You know, I was thinking.... maybe just to learn how to get rid of them, I should learn some dark magic...?"[/color] Jocasta’s jape was lost on Yalen’s unusually serious state of mind. [color=fd5e53]"If you think that’s what it takes to win, then by all means. Maybe I can ask Sister Laska for her advice on demonology as well."[/color] He answered. [color=ffdead]"Yalen, my love..."[/color] She trailed off, suppressing a grin. Yalen hovered his face over Jocasta's head and smiled. [color=fd5e53]"What is it dear?"[/color] [color=ffdead]"I was joking, sweetheart. We shouldn't fuck with demons, mmmmmkay?"[/color] [color=fd5e53]"We won't fuck with demons then. In any case, I was only thinking you would be more responsible than that airheaded Yasoi."[/color] [color=ffdead]"You thought right. I would,"[/color] she replied, [color=ffdead]"If I was, you know, stupid enough to fuck with demons in the first place."[/color] She reached up to pinch his cheek. [color=fd5e53]"Well, let's leave it alone then. I'd say we're out of time to chat anyways."[/color] Yalen gestured towards the stone doorway that would soon lead them out of this chamber. [color=ffdead]"Oh, right. I'd forgotten about that. I suppose they're all alright, right?"[/color] Somehow, from the brink of death and some truly heavy subject matter, things had turned... mirthful [color=fd5e53]"Of course they are... For now anyways. This was only the beginning. There is far more danger waiting for us beyond here."[/color] Yalen paused. [color=fd5e53]"Sorry, I mean for you. I have a feeling that my role here will soon be coming to an end."[/color] She nodded, taking hold of her wheels and pushing towards the exit. [color=ffdead]"We go on, you go to Retan. I know that was always the arrangement. I mean it, you know: search for me at night. Third hour of Dami. I'll be there. We need not let space and time separate us unless we wish it."[/color] With that, and with a final, reassuring smile, she pushed on through.