[center][h2][color=b5a0d2][b]⚘[/b] Steffen Gravinir [b]⚘[/b][/color][/h2][/center][hr] The duel with Fleuri needless to say was quite enlightening. Not so much the ghostly thread that enabled Rui's arm, but it was still a fascinating solution to the handicap. That way, at least in combat, the girl would be able to fight at essentially full strength, with the added benefit of scamming arrogant opponents. That's the reason why Steffen was wary of any weirdly kitted opponent; they usually were really prepared in their niche, and more often than not would spend much more time perfecting that niche they chose. The thing that caught his attention the most would be that absurd move she did. A ranged attack created out of thin air from a melee weapon. For a moment, Steffen stood in silence as he reconstructed in his head the visual fragments of what just transpired a few seconds ago. In there, he could see a glimpse of the impeccable technique she employed. He wasn't sure if what ghostly energy powered that spectral arm, but seeing if it could be repeated with a real arm, the Ingvarr tried raising his arm up and swung the same motion slowly. Indeed, he sense that there were coordinations to be had between the muscles, one that would've been perfected through eons of practice. Even if it is a good deduction of the technique, it couldn't be replicated easily if not at all. An impressive display, he must say. Tyaethe's arrival snapped Steffen back to his senses, and now he finally actually processed the full extent of the damage that Rui caused, or specifically the pain of having to patch that roof back up. Again. For like the fifth time this quarter. While he let the vampire take on the explanation to Fleuri, Steffen took a step towards Rui, again with his hands raised, looking flustered. [b][color=b5a0d2]"Madam Rui."[/color][/b] He said, in nigh-perfect Veldt. [b][color=b5a0d2]"It's an enlightening demonstration, but we'd appreciate if you could direct it to our actual training equipment. A personal request, if you don't mind."[/color][/b] [@Raineh Daze]