[i] [color=00aeef] [h1] [center]Kolvar Stilmyst [/center][/h1][/color][/i] Walking over towards Vidgis wanting to ask her if he would be able to speak with the head doctor. His reasoning was that he wanted to learn more about the human anatomy. “[color=00aeef][i]Excuse me miss Vidgdis, would you be able to arrange a meeting with the head doctor? I would like to speak to them about learning more about your specie’s anatomy.[/i][/color]” Of course, he really wanted to learn more about human culture and history. But he would be asking that a little bit later, but he did not mind waiting patiently for the right time to ask. In the back of his mind, he worried the humans will not have enough time to get ready for the impending battle. There was the possibility of him contacting his people, but they would not want to get involved in the conflict. He could hear the leader of his people disagreeing and saying that going to war with Siblermine’s army would be disastrous. —------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=ed1c24][i] [h1] [center]Arancini Barberio[/center][/h1][/i][/color] "[color=ed1c24]Mmm, perhaps I could lower the power of this and send some power to the reactor. But not enough to totally shut it off..[/color]” Trailing off in thought he franticly moved between his computer and a large humming machine. “[color=ed1c24]What do you think I should do mancare (Miss in Italian)?[/color]” He looked to his left as if someone was standing beside him. Waiting for a response before nodding his head. “[color=ed1c24]A great idea, I would get more done with a little bit of help. I should ask Itxaro and Vigdis for some help. I'm sure they could help me investigate this matter further.[/color]” He brought up his wristpad tapping a few buttons on the handheld tablet. “[color=ed1c24]Ixtaro or Vigdis how is your progress going fixing the ship? I am working on getting power back to the reactor, and I need some help with a few things. When you have time would you be able to come by my office thank you.[/color]”. While waiting for their response he continued trying to jumpstart the reactor somehow. The man once again looked over his shoulder toward the invisible person he had spoken to before. “[color=ed1c24]Of course, they can help me fix the ship, that is their job after all.[/color]” He spoke quietly before shaking his head.