Expecting praise and adoration for the beauty of her figure, Elizstrazia was completely taken off-guard when she was suddenly clonked over the head. She didn't feel particularly much of anything, but she was completely stunned. How could anyone ever respond to her like that after she so generously allowed them to look upon her body? She thought these maids were at least somewhat better then... [i]those[/i] people. And yet the tailor maid didn't seem moved at all. In fact, she seemed annoyed! The only reason that Elizstrazia didn't decide to get her a bit of a bite was the words of the other maid. Still, the Scale Demon was almost growling(not that it sounded particularly intimidating on its own), clenching her sharp teeth when she was approached by the other maids. "Is it odd?" she questioned, tilting her head, "There's humans who hunt humans, aren't there? The humans who do things you don't like, they're hunted down, right? It's not like I care about any of the demons causing trouble for you people. Killing them is just like killing anything else." When Polina approached to measure her bust, Elizstrazia puffed her chest out proudly. "Extravagant, right?" [@AzureKnight][@Rune_Alchemist][@Pyromania99][@Click This]