[color=ed1c24][center][h2]Akeno[/h2][/center][/color] Walking around with an antler in her hand felt awkward. It was… sort of a weapon; sharp wasn’t the right word for it, since it just kind of tapered to a sort of slightly blunted tip, but with enough force it would probably still pierce flesh. There was also a second prong which branched off from the main part half way down, creating something that would work as a kind of blade-catch if she ended up in a knife fight with somebody. As makeshift weapons went it was okay, better than the sharp rock she’d been handed earlier, but just that. The problem was that it had no handle or grip, so if she did stab something with it, it was likely to just slip out of her hand. It was also fragile, or at least fragile enough for her to be able to break it off in her hand, so whether or not it would last through a fight was up in the air. And lastly it was an awkward shape; sharp, sure, but also curved, meaning she would have to stab at an angle to avoid it just grazing off of stuff. But the main issue was the fact that just holding it in the first place was enough to turn off her one and only skill. Her [i]Goju-Ryu[/i] buff only worked if she was unarmed and while that didn’t prevent her from knowing how to fight, until she had time to really prep this body to work with her instead of against her, her skill was the only way she could fight and [i]win[/i]. it was why she had opted not to use the rock she had been given before; the measly offence it provided was worth less than the skill she would be giving up and since said skill had stopped her from having her face burned off, she figured she’d made the right choice. However, the antler was better than the rock, if only slightly. Good enough that it was worth holding onto, for now at least, and if she needed to use her skill she could easily just drop it. It was better than killing stuff with her bare hands at least. Not that she would need to kill anything just yet, seeing as how the last remaining chicken had been poached out from under them by another orc. An orc who was either older than them or one who had already managed to kill and eat something, judging by the fact that he had just used [i]magic[/i] to burn a hole straight through that thing. Akeno tightened her grip on the antler in her hand as the more developed, more powerful orc jumped into the clearing. She was half expecting a fight of some kind, for the other orc to want to make sure they wouldn’t challenge them for their kill even though she had no intention of doing so, but luckily they just took the bird and ran. That still left the [i]other[/i], other orc however, who was also armed and had yet to say or do anything. Akeno was wondering what to do about that, but decided to let their self-appointed leader do the talking; she figured the old orc next to her was either going to make them the same offer to join their group as she had the rest of them, or say something to warn the other orc away. So it came as a surprise when she instead just turned and walked away with barely any acknowledgment that the stranger existed at all. Raising an eyebrow, Akeno looked across at the remaining orc for a few seconds before she too shrugged and turned to walk back to camp. [color=ed1c24]“Sure.”[/color] ---- When she made it back, everyone else was already occupied. One orc was sat tending to the fire, their leader was beginning to carve into the bird with a rock and the last was stood away from the rest, punching a tree. That last one might have sounded weird, but Akeno knew her martial arts and could tell that this was more than just mindless aggression. She could recognise boxing when she saw it and had done some conditioning training herself in the past, though never on her hands; her sensei had never advocated for punching a makiwara until your hands bled like you sometimes saw in movies, oddly enough. Akeno stood and watched Grunthor hit the bark for a while, noting more than anything else just how fast he was moving his hands when he did so. Very fast. Not so fast as to be unnatural, but probably a little fast for a young orc with wimpy arms and no athleticism. A skill? [color=ed1c24]“Hey, what skills did you guys pick?”[/color] [@Zeroth][@Crusader Lord][@Kazemitsu][@ERode]