Fleuri's character opinion chart: [b]Fanilly[/b] She's so far proven to be a fine captain and a fine warrior, despite her young age. Her captaincy has already been tested somewhat, but will she be able to handle failure with the same grace? Will she be able to make the difficult decision? Will she keep it together when things become overwhelming? Only time will tell, and I hope she's up to it. [b]Tyaethe[/b] A little eccentric she may be, but Dame Tyaethe is nonetheless a living legend. A former companion of the Starlight Saint, the powers of a vampire without the weaknesses due to her good relationship to Reon, centuries of experience, and powerful magic, yet she's always been content to serve rather than command. I hope that I can live up to what she expects of me. [b]Gerard[/b] Sir Gerard is a good sort. A poor kid who became a mercenary, gained faith in Reon, and eventually obtained knighthood through his deeds in battle. He knows little about nobility, but understand knighthood well- just the kind of person that Thaln's noble class needs more of. [b]Fionn[/b] Like Gerard, he's a pious commoner-to-knight success story. I haven't interacted with him much, but he's quite the stalwart knight, and despite his commoner background, he gets along very well with royalty. The aristocracy of Thaln needs more people like Gerard and Fionn. And a lot less of people like Lord Brias and Lord Durante. [b]Renar[/b] I have had little contact with Sir Renar, but I know that he's been grievously wronged by his father, Lord Brias. Joining the Iron Roses may have given him the titles of noble and knight that his father denied him, but wrongs like that aren't just forgotten, as evidenced by his interactions with his half-brother at the ball. Still, I have to admire that he never let his father break him, and had the will to become a knight. [b]Lein[/b] Sir Lein is not the type of person I'd expect to join the Iron Roses. He's more of a rogue than a knight, with no noble name and no history that I am aware of. He's spoken of his past before, and claims that his family are all dead, but I can't be sure if he's telling the truth. His lack of a right arm suggests he's endured terrible trauma in the past, and his possession of such a fine magical prosthesis suggests that he is well-connected. Looking back at the ball, I wonder- was his Lady Cteline disguise just him being an irreverent gadfly as usual...or could he have been hiding from someone? [b]Serenity[/b] From what I know from my family's contacts, Dame Serenity was House Arcedeen's attempt to raise up a candidate for Captain of the Iron Roses. I'm not surprised that seniors chose Fanilly over her. Serenity may be skilled and well-educated, but she's independent and doesn't like to rely on anyone, and that's not getting into the possible political motivations behind her upbringing. Even so, she's a fine knight and a definite boon to the order. One thing I've noticed of her is that she doesn't drink. Is it a matter of piety and temperance, or does she not want to risk loosening her lips for some reason? [b]Nicomede[/b] If there's any knight in the Iron Roses with an even worse father than Renar's, it's Sir Nicomede. To be disowned, disgraced, and disinherited for making a brief withdrawal in the face of a larger force- and one that led to a loyalist victory regardless- Lord Durant should be ashamed of himself. As for Nicomede himself, he's a fine fighter, a capable user of water magic, and- contrary to what his father may say- a competent tactician. [b]Steffen[/b] The horned Ingvarr people are fine warriors, and Sir Steffen is no exception. I don't know much about of his past, other than that he's a hero of the War of the Red Flag who personally saved the lives of several Iron Roses, and having fought alongside him against Alfrid, I can attest that he's definitely someone to have at one's side in battle. [b]Vier[/b] Like myself, Sir Vier built his reputation fighting for money and glory before embarking on the path of an Iron Rose. Like Steffen, he's proven to be a good knight to fight alongside. His mixture of swordsmanship and magic is an intriguing combination. [b]Cecilia[/b] Like Lein, Cecilia is more of a rogue than an archetypical knight. Her past is a mystery, other than that she first came to prominence during the war of the Red Flag. Still, her skill at archery and wind magic makes her quite a very useful addition to the Roses, and I can't deny that she's contributed to Thaln's cause.