[quote=@Unkown58] Vola might know the theory, but she hasn't really had much reason to actually try to learn that skill. At best she might try to slam our two sharp rocks together to make a spark or rub two sticks together, but that could take a while. ^-^; She could try her skill, see if that might work? But it's not likely since she doesn't have any magic skills yet... Though, if it comes down to it, Gren and Vola didn't really make it far from camp, so while lets say Gren skins and cleans the kill, Vola could run back to camp with a branch, 'borrow' some fire and come back? But only after she thoroughly doctored Gren, her big sister instincts taking over XD [/quote] Might take Gren a while, even he doesn't have knowledge on skinning animals from a past life. If you want him to fillet fish or bird he could probably manage since he has cooked before, but he doesn't exactly encounter many snakes or cats in his mortal life. Plus he's going to need some of that sistering because Gren may be an orc now, but he's also a runt and just got the dickerings claws and whipped out of him, so he's probably going to be spending a good while crying like a baby.