[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597506252599328805/1088678186130350100/Tkus_Header.png[/img] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/597506252599328805/1088678286831390800/Tkus_Face.png[/img][/center] [color=734960][b]Event:[/b][/color] Primitive [color=734960][b]People:[/b][/color] Tku, Marci, Squatter Sandbat, Greedy Kite Tusker [hr] Meanwhile, some ways away, the storm had come to Marceline and Tku, hunkering in a shelter large enough to fit everyone, but that... nobody but them had used. [color=734960]"Quite a storm Marci? Are you from the desert?"[/color] Tku asked as the sandstorm finally hit the impromptu shelter. [color=598527]"One could say that..."[/color] [color=734960]"Maybe we can talk later, I traveled through it for a few years myself,"[/color] Tku offered as he kept repairing the shelter, the storm was quite strong. [color=598527]"Wunderbar. Now um... don't we have a job to do?"[/color] Tku agreed just a hole cracked open followed by a clunky rolling sound, [color=734960]"Oh, I think that was a rock that just broke through."[/color] [color=598527]"I always wanted a pet rock."[/color] Tku let out a hearty laugh, [color=734960]"Hard to take care of I hear."[/color] [color=598527]"Needy, even."[/color] Tku had been bending the sand to repair the holes and the sand just feel odd. The sand, the storm, just small things seem off, [color=734960]"These seem different than normal."[/color] [color=598527]"Small... and nasty."[/color] Tku shook it off as he couldn't describe it in any actionable way, [color=734960]"It just feels different, I can't explain it otherwise"[/color] [color=598527]"Tku! Watch out!"[/color] A sandbat emerges from below them, hunkering inside their shelter. It hisses. Tku dodged thinking another rock rocketed in to see a creature he never seen in Torragon, [color=734960]"Hmm? Ahh!!!"[/color] [color=598527]"What the fuck is that thing!?"[/color] The storm had finally passed and they were left with this odd bat creature. He looked to Marci, hoping to deal with it peacefully, [color=734960]"You know any chemical spells for bats?"[/color] The sandbat hissed and Tku held his spear in case it lunged. [color=598527]"Yeah, it's called killitwithfire."[/color] Just then, however, there came a... trumpeting sound!? [color=734960]"Wait hold on now, it could be entertainment,"[/color] Tku took a look at it, trying to see if it picked up some injuries from the storm or them trying to build on it. Marci and Tku emerged from the shelter, digging their way out with binding magic and, floating over the dunes on the still-strong winds was... an elephant!? A tiny....flying elephant. [color=734960]"Well then,"[/color] Tku tilted his head at the odd sight, [color=734960]"Our roommates are doubling."[/color] The small elephant seized upon the sandbat and immediately dived in to pursue it and the chittering menace took off quickly, flapping away as the pachyderm landed and let out another snort. Then, immediately, the tusker began digging near where the bat had been. It dug ferociously with feet and tusks, paying the two humans little mind. Tku decided to use some binding magic to help it out, [color=734960]"It's the least I can do for getting rid of the squatter."[/color] He looks over at Marci to more or less let her know he didn't go insane and was just having some momentary fun with an elephant. The little elephant flicked its ears about and let out an annoyed little trumpet, defensive over its find. It didn't turn down the help, however, digging deeper and with increasing urgency, letting out little snuffling snorts along the way. Then, finally, it hit pay dirt. Digging in with its tusks, they came up covered in what looked to be blood at first, but was actually sweet melon juice. [color=734960]"Oh!"[/color] Tku was surprised to find an underground melon For the next couple of minutes, Marci and Tku would watch the Kite Tusker gorge itself on Wazingui Melon that had been buried in the storm. It it grew here, however, that must've mean that water was close by. The rather cute, odd-looking little beast occasionally let out satisfied snuffles and grunts, glancing warily over its shoulder at them. Finally, full to the max, it sat back and let out a long, satisfied sigh. Plodding a little ways away, it hunkered down in the shade cast by the two humans' improvised shelter. [color=734960]"Water would be nice. Shall we try to figure out where it is?"[/color] he looked at the strange pachyderm chow down. [color=598527]"Would be ideal,"[/color] Marci agreed, reaching out with her senses. With the elephant having abandoned its dig, she moved over to investigate the hole, and her eyes widened. Tku tried to peer down if any seeds or melon was left, in a pinch he could grow them. Then, he saw it too. Tangled among the vines was... some sort of wand. It was not like anything they had seen before and, as Marci scanned it, she recognized those energies. They were the same ones that occasionally surrounded her brother's girlfriend, Dory. [color=598527]"Sooooo...."[/color] she began, [color=598527]"What do we uh, do with it?"[/color] [color=734960]"What in the world?"[/color] Tku went ot start freeing it with his spear. [color=734960]"Get it out safely for now, I'll touch it sense you can call for help better, something weird about a wand out of nowhwere."[/color] Marci eyed the wand and eyed him. She glanced at the tusker. It seemed to be watching them idly. [color=598527]"Should we?"[/color] she questioned, [color=598527]"on our own?"[/color] The animal was up and moving again, and it began lumbering over to the hole it had made earlier. While it was tiny by elephant standards, it was still the size of a large dog, and its ear-wings - currently folded and resting along its back - were probably at least eight feet in span. Tku questioned, [color=734960]"I mean it is odd for sure but it could just be a lost treasure of someone who failed to cross the desert."[/color] Tku was nervous with it moving over, [color=734960]"I should grab it before it goes back in,"[/color] Tku looks at Marci like confirmation that he will do it now, giving her one last chance to say something. Marci stepped out of the way. [color=598527]"Um...be careful. I think it's... a dark magic item."[/color] Better him than her, she supposed, but Tku was kind of nice. She'd rather he not die. Tku stopped, [color=734960]"Dark magic?"[/color] He didn't even need to know to be worried. He attempted to lift it with some telekinesis onto a cloth instead of grabbing it now. Then, the tusker made a final dash and grab for it. Tku had it in his kinetic grasp. The elephant had it in its trunk. Its greedy little eyes glared at him. [color=734960]"Oh no you don't!"[/color] Tku tried to rip it towards him, [color=734960]"I will make you a melon! Give it to me!! Marci can you grow these?"[/color] The elephant pulled back obstinately, refusing to let go. It stamped and unfurled its massive ears in a threat display. They hadn't gotten a good look at the colours before. They were eyes: giant eyes, or at least mimics of those. Then, Marci had crafted the most sickeningly sweet thing she could manage. Spratz, albeit fake spratz a terrible knockoff of the real thing. It was enough. The tusker released the wand all at once and went charging for the fake plant. The girl happily tossed it into the air and as far as she could. Within moments, the little pest was gone, chasing after it. That left... the wand. However, before they could do much of anything with it, Marci perked up. She pointed. [color=598527]"There, in the distance: it's them!"[/color] Tku now held it in his hand, not originally wanting too but just catching it after launching it towards him, [color=734960]"You're a blood mage Marci?"[/color] Tku asked. Marci nodded. The others were still a good half a kilometer away. [color=598527]"Don't go telling everyone though, huh?"[/color] Indeed, there appeared to be... three or four people, two on a large horse and... was there a little juvenile horse as well? Tku nods and remakes some of his clothes, repairing them and refills his water pouch, [color=734960]"Same to you,"[/color] Tku smiles, [color=734960]"Let's great them, hopefully that means Riesco is okay."[/color] Marci began walking. Tku began walking. They waved. Somewhere, not too far away, the kite tusker decided to follow them. [color=734960]"Do you know where the angry child went?"[/color] Tku asked remembering that Marci may not want to search for him.