Fogdance's voice came again. [color=silver]"Listen, I don't understand why we can't come to an agreement about this," she says. "We're all in the same boat, after all."[/color] "So you keep saying," the unfamiliar voice responds. "But I still ain't convinced." [color=silver]"If you want to search the whole stronghold again in search of your fellows, me or the twins would be happy to give you yet another guided tour."[/color] "Well, obviously, you wouldn't be just keeping them out in plain sight," the stranger continued. "You could have them hidden away somewhere. We're small, after all. We don't take up too much space, unlike [i]some[/i] creatures I could name." Another equally high-pitched voice chimed in. "Well, I still think one of you might have eaten them," they said. [color=silver]"Now that is preposterous,"[/color] Fogdance answers. [color=silver]"Absolutely preposterous. When in the history of all the Isles has a dragon ever eaten a pixie?"[/color] [color=77DD77]"Well, actually, there have been some reports of accidental consumption of-"[/color] [color=silver]"Not helping, Tamba!"[/color] Fogdance cut in quickly, silencing the voice of the younger dragon.