Knocking Alex to the ground, the man stood up and extended his arm toward Kirin. By now the cloud of dust had subsided and the three of them were once again in full sight of the police. The man became very tense as he made an upward grasping motion, as if he was lifting a train with one arm. He clenched his fist half-closed as he slowly raised his arm, and he now had Kirin floating toward him helplessly. In an exasperated fit of breathing, the man managed to spit out his frustrated demand. "GIVE... IT... TO... ME!!" Many officers watching this lowered their weapons in disbelief, but Daniel remained in control of the situation as he dropped the loudspeaker mic and drew his pistol and aimed at the man. "PUT HIM DOWN RIGHT NOW! I WILL SHOOT!" he yelled as loud and threateningly as he could. Daniel knew all too well that at this point he was merely bluffing. How was he to know that shooting the man wouldn't cause his device to overload and hurt Kirin? The man now had a hostage technically, and could throw Kirin into any bullets fired at him. Shooting the devices had the same risks as shooting him, so that was no good. All he could do was hope the jumpsuit man would listen to reason... but then, an idea struck him. Was it possible that the man was only capable of manipulating one object at a time? Mentally recalling the pictures Alex sent him, Daniel realized that this was likely the case. Since the man was already "holding" Kirin he couldn't do anything else outside of his physical capabilities, and he looked exhausted as well. Knowing he couldn't do anything else, Daniel decided to charge the man head on and apprehend him that way. Like father, like son, so it seemed.