[color=#6771A4] [center] [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EoIkDj1UUAAGG-X?format=jpg&name=medium[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/scifi-adventure-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230510/a0c5945798805ad0b6a3f753b614fb30.png[/img][/url] [i]"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."[/i] [b]— Arthur C. Clarke[/b] [/center] [hr][hr] [b][h3]▬▬ Premise ▬▬[/h3][/b][i]Heat death has come, and the cold, dark, unchanging end of the universe has fallen at last. The final curtain call if you will. The inevitable end. Despite this ushering in of absolute desolation, however, civilization has not stagnated nor ceased. If anything, it has not only grown stronger in blatant contradiction of the all-consuming umbra, but reached a zenith the inhabitants of the previous star-filled epoch could scarcely imagine, let alone achieve. Yet here they stand, those few who could stare inevitability dead in the eye and not so much as flinch. It is here in the midst of this endless entropy that you and your people find themselves. Scions of the elder days when the stars still burned bright and planets spun, your might unquestionable and technology incomprehensible to all but the most eldritch of polities and beings. But be warned however, for you are not alone. Other powers have persevered, and they may wish to put an end to your continued existence if such an outcome proves beneficial to their plans...[/i] Alright, poorly written lore dump aside, what this roleplay/interest check is about is quite simple. The dreaded heat death of the universe has finally come, submerging reality as we knew it in an endless darkness utterly devoid of any useable energy. Contrary to what most scientists of the 21st (and following) centuries theorized, however, sapient civilization did not come to a slow and miserable halt alongside it. In actuality it advanced over the quadrillions upon quadrillions of years, proceeding at such a breakneck pace that entire cultures became unrecognizable overnight, shifting from one zeitgeist to the next until they had become entirely disconnected from what they once were. It is at the helm of one of these grand Entropic Empires that you sit, commanding its mind-bendingly incomprehensible forces in order to bring it ever closer to its mercurial goal, whatever that may be. When it comes to posting requirements, especially for factions that are essentially composed of whatever overpowered shit you feel like thinking up so long as it is at least tangentially sci-fi related, it's perfectly fine if you keep things brief. Granted, I don't expect to see one-liners being a thing even with rules (and effort) being as lax as this, but entire novels are kind of hard to write for anything on or above Type IV on the Kardashev Scale too. Unless you're Stephen Baxter of course. Anyway, one post a week with whatever quality writing gets the job done. That's it so far as requirements go, and I haven't touched on the rules because I expect every adult capable of intellectual thought here already knows them. The only amendment I'll make is that you should center your factions and their tech around delivering a compelling narrative instead of just building an elaborate way of saying: "I win." Beyond that there's no map, because it's the heat death, and I've got a barebones sheet (to be altered according to your needs) detailed that I'll post if the OOC goes up. And before you ask, yes, practically any broken science fiction related tech is allowed. You want a TARDIS expy? Boom, you got one. Just be ready to deal with ironing out the mess that time travel will create when you inevitably hop back to change things or reboot the universe. Although, given enough technobabble, anything's possible. Finally, this is intended to be a pure sandbox. Go nuts. [/color]