[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230322/f3113031440591fd4ce3e40a553ec1d3.png[/img] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/b394fa91ba84c25cb775178ddca05c80/tumblr_inline_nrhl853P121qlt39u_250.gifv[/img][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/2db4b073bc44bcb92757354d878857af/tumblr_inline_o2evirt4Wv1qlt39u_250.gifv[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230321/c6ef3ee49d3b8296e6aa70d433b9bef1.png[/img] [Color=GoldenRod][b]Location:[/b][/Color] Apartment 5B [Color=GoldenRod][b]Interactions:[/b][/Color] Everyone [@LostDestiny][@Days][@Sailorsadie][@Theyra] [@Pyxis][/Center][hr] With the help of his cousin and her room-mate Isabella, it didn't take long for the trio to move the extra table into the Apartment across the hall. The tricky bit was trying not to trip up over both of the dogs, that were seemingly dancing beneath their feet; rubbing against their legs in excitement. Christian had to admit, he found it a little amusement how Isa knew Jasmine so well; that she would have commented on her outfit. In his mind; if the girl was comfortable she could wear what she wanted. Outfits weren't a big deal to him for this thing. After all; they were home amongst friends. No judgements, right? But he knew how fashion conscious his cousin was. So he tried not to argue; or Jasmine would have made him change an outfit too. [Color=GoldenRod] "Thanks for the help, much appreciated ladies." [/Color] He spoke with a warm smile as soon as the table was on the floor in his apartment; positioned perfectly next to his own. As they finished moving the table; Jasmine had to admit. Being so close to all the food was making her hungry. But she couldn't help but look amused when she saw her puppy Thor flop on his favorite cushion on the couch in her cousin's apartment. [Color=Teal] "Well, looks like someone's already made themselves comfortable." [/Color] She laughed. Knowing full well that her cousin didn't mind her pup being in his apartment. Christian looked after Thor enough, when she wasn't home; provided he was free himself of course. [Color=Teal] "No worries, glad to help." [/Color] As she patted his shoulder; she secretly eyed the dips and sauces he had already sitting on the counter. He made her favourite; Apple Sauce. Christian chuckled, as he shook his head at his cousin. [Color=GoldenRod] "No need to drool on my shoulder. You'll be eating soon." [/Color] His arm wrapped around her shoulder; giving her a teasing squeeze. [Color=Teal]"Not my fault, you been making me and Isa drool all day from across the hall."[/color] Jasmine said honestly, with a light shrug. [Color=Teal]"We'll see you soon. I got to make sure she picks something nice for this evening."[/color] With that, Jasmine steered Isabella back towards their flat; so she could help her with her outfit if she needed her help of course. [Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230510/a7df285f312714a52f7ada06acab4549.png[/img] [img]https://www.thespruceeats.com/thmb/ywpbMTDvGupS4Ej3-bzpCLL3gbA=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/thanksgiving-dinner-dishes-836012728-5bdda2e6c9e77c00262539e0.jpg[/img][/Center] It took Christian a few minutes to finish setting up the two tables in his Apartment. The main table was filled with the main course and different sauces; whilst the second table was mostly for placing the food that his friends were bringing. With enough plates and cutlery set around the entire table. Christian was bit of a perfectionist; so everything had to be neat. Glasses included. Clapping his hands with satisfaction; he smiled to himself proud of how the table looked. And soon enough, everyone was arriving. Of course his cousin Jasmine was the first one to arrive; it shouldn't have surprised him that Jasmine would be over first with Isabella and Isa's dog. Not wanting the furballs to be left out; they were always welcome for events. Christian had to admit, that he was impressed with Jasmine's sweet desserts she had made; especially the trifle. Given that she wasn't much of a cook. He let the trifle sit in his fridge; so it could remain cold and sturdy. Not wanting it to become gloopy since his apartment was warm from all the cooking. Christian always had a 'enter when you want' sort of thing going on; Anyone of his friends were free to let themselves in when they wanted to. That hadn't really changed for tonight. Christian of course greeting everyone that arrived with bright smiles and hugs. It seems like everyone had brought lot of food for tonight; but then again; they were a big group. Lots of food was needed. Not wanting to start the main meal without everyone present; Christian and the present group that had already gathered waited till Lil and Rhys arrived. Hearing a familiar knock on the door, he called out [Color=GoldenRod]"It's open you guys, come on in." [/Color] His hands were busy with carving the turkey and chicken for everyone. Jasmine was glad to see everyone gathering for Thanksgiving, and of course curious to see what everyone brought. Some of the things she hadn't seen before let alone eating. So she was curious to try something new. [Color=Teal] "I'll get the door for them, not sure if they know about your door policy." [/Color] Heading towards Christian's front door; she opened it to see Lil and Rhys outside. [Color=Teal] "Hey guys, nice to see you could make it. Love your dress Lil." [/Color] Greeting them with a warm smile. The orange dress on Lil indeed stood out to the fashion junkie; and Jasmine thought it suited the dark haired female. She stepped inside to let them in. [Color=Teal] "Need some help?" [/Color] She asked seeing how much Rhys was carrying. Not wanting him to drop anything by accident. After he finished carving the meats; he finally turned around to greet the last of his guests. Deciding to make a little speech, since everyone was present. [Color=GoldenRod] "So I have a few little words to say." [/Color] He lightly chuckled. [Color=GoldenRod] "I'd like to thank everyone for trusting me to host tonight, I know I probably made a bunch of you starving with my cooking for most of the day. So I truly hope that you enjoy all that's on the table tonight, including what everyone brought. So I won't ramble much longer; don't need Jasmine clawing my eyes out for making her starve all day. Happy Thanksgiving everyone, here's to another year of being in each other's company and getting through whatever life has thrown at us." [/Color] With a cheers, he sat down at the head of the table, getting himself comfortable so they could all eat together. Of course the comment about his cousin earned a bit of a playful glare, but also a laugh from his cousin. She knew he was teasing her.