[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fancy-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230509/8990099d5494edd13706492e75568659.png[/img][/url] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/975c49b2531dc727bcac854b0de5ec8e/8b3f44c9dc7e67da-e7/s540x810/84309d3ba8fc80b1d6ff68e8cdc55092c7f746a4.gif[/img][/center][hr][b]Mentions[/b]: Erik [@sailorsadie], Sebastian [@WolfLover], Persephone [@SouffleGirl123] & Alistair [@HedgeHawk][right]Location: Noah's dorm room, Edgebaston Hall[/right][hr] Noah stood in her room. Her door was open, and students finding their old rooms or locating their new ones kept walking by, their chatter filling the hallway. With her right hand, she carefully dabbed a daycream on her face, infused with SPF. She had arrived back to Edgebaston yesterday, after spending the last week of the summer at her parent's house. The now Junior had spent the entire summer at Edgebaston, except the last week. She had told her parents it was because she wanted to study well and focus on her training, which she could do better at school. Which, wasn't a lie in itself. But Noah was good at her studies and didn't need the extra time. Instead, she spend a lot of time with her best friend Erik, who wasn't leaving Edgebaston either. The whole summer, they had spent time working together, hanging out together, and taking bike rides on his bike. Noah felt free, then. She ate things her father would get a heart arrest from if he knew the calories and did things like jumping off a cliff into water, which would just straight up send her parents to the grave. She had arrived a day earlier because she had lied to her parents, saying the running team was holding a meeting. Of course, they let her go earlier, and Noah had returned to her dorm room she had spent the rest of the summer in, as well. She had closed her always-opened door though, as she got a text from another track member that Alistair and Persephone were doing some twisted live stream. Curious, Noah had opened Instagram and watched it. It was painful, to say the least. Noah couldn't believe she and Persephone shared the same ex, Seb. Noah and Persephone couldn't be further apart as people. She could barely keep her eye from twitching as she thought of the woman. Noah wanted to avoid her at all costs, surely she had a target on her back the size of Texas for having dated Seb. It became a bit more complicated now that Seb was staying to repeat his senior year, but the two had remained friends and it was nice to have a familiar person around next to Erik. The young athlete smiled a little to herself. It was warm in her dorm, the sun shining down on her side of the building. A small hiss escaped her as she took off the sweater that was covering her sport's top, the fabric brushing against the sensitive skin around her tattoo. The line of text was on her forearm, just under the crook of her elbow. She smiled down at it. It was a bother to keep it hidden from her parents the past week, but her mother was big on sun protection and they didn't find it odd that Noah had opted to wear long-sleeved versions of her sport-tops and t-shirts. She couldn't hide it forever, of course. But she didn't regret her act of rebellion. She had once asked Seb when they were still dating about his tattoos. Had trailed the outlines of the ones on his chest with her finger as the pair relaxed on his bed in his room, marvelling at their patterns. It had reminded her a little of his doodling. She had asked him innocently if it had hurt, and he gave her a vague tough guy answer. So Noah didn't have any fears going in with Erik to get matching tattoos together. A spur-moment decision after a beer too much. After having pinky sworn to be best friends. But she had cried, complained and crushed Erik's hand holding hers into smithereens. He had made it seem so easy too, going first. He even laughed at her a bit, too, and she had cussed him out. Still, she had no regrets, and her finger carefully brushed over the now almost healed [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1092191934388392047/1105257330146295848/9683c275fbda2f47cb4fe3f82eb5419e.png?width=212&height=377]tattoo[/url] stating how he keeps her wild, and she keeps him safe. She couldn't wait to see him again. She [i]so[/i] badly needed to complain about her week at him. And, as if knowing Noah's thoughts, a notification arrived on her phone. Taking her phone from the pocket in her gymshark shorts, she opened the e-mail from her father. Her eyes scanned through it, but it was just another research on diet for runners and joggers, and her stomach grumbled for some unhealthy food in return. The whole week was basically terrible when it came to food. She needed a cheeseburger, badly. She barely had time to scroll through the e-mail before her father's face showed up as a caller. Mentally steeling herself, she picked up. [color=E59866]"Dad?"[/color] [color=lightblue]"Ah, Jiji. Did you see my email? Do you know you can find that brand there, I'm certain it will help with your intake and power levels, especially during bursts. I took a look at the footage I shot of you last week, your form there was not good enough, do you need to get new shoes, becau-[/color] [color=E59866]"Dad, I have to go, I'm about to run, staying on top of it of course!"[/color] Noah lied, she didn't want to get into this now. [color=lightblue]"Oh right, okay, okay. Have a good first day! And remember to stretch first, or the muscles wont-"[/color] Noah rolled her eyes. [color=E59866]"Bye dad."[/color] Frustrated, she hung up. Sure, she was blessed with parents who cared about her. They were still together, loved each other and supported Noah with her hobbies. Or at least they [i]did[/i], until her dad hyper-fixated on her running and forgot that Noah had to be a teen in other ways, too. All he cared about was her studies and running, and all her mother cared about was pleasing Noah's dad. She couldn't complain, she knew she couldn't. She got a scholarship, for Christ's sake. She was good at things. But it wasn't what she wanted. Noah swallowed and brought her hands up to her face, trying to get her stress out. It was only the first day away from home, her Dad would become a little lighter on the communication soon, in her experience. She took her phone in hand, and her small wallet and left her room, locking the door behind her before putting the key in the small pocket of her tight shorts. Then, she walked out of Edgebaston Hall, needing food.