[quote=@ErsatzEmpress] The 48 hour countdown has now begun, racers start your engines. [/quote] The 48 hour timer has finished (closer to 54 by the time I got to read through it, was at work). Congratulations to [@mattmanganon], your Spider-Man app is [img]https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMDhhMzM3NzBlMGQzOWZmZjM1MzVkM2Q1MWYxNWU3YWZjYzIyM2Q3NiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZzX2dpZklkJmN0PWc/J4dZxKcQZDDRlHkeHf/giphy.gif[/img] Please feel free to add your CS to the character tab at your earliest convenience. [@TGM] as Spider-Man is now accounted for, please feel free to coordinate with Matt to see if there is a way for your legacy character to fit in with their plan for Peter. Otherwise, you are more than welcome to apply for another character ❤️ Still aiming for the IC to go up on Saturday, but applications will remain open throughout the game's lifetime.