The big ship loomed just ahead and Luna happily swam forward, not bothered by Krabby's words of warning. She had heard it was huge but not this huge...not even the biggest blue whale could win in terms of size. She wondered how many humans the ship could acarry, and it was interesting that it could stay afloat all the time. Not even the blue whale could stay afloat for that long. [i]Interestinggggg...[/i] Luna moved closer to the ship while being as quiet as she can. She was naughty enough to ignore Krabby's pleas to stay away from the ship but she was at least sensible enough to know she should hide from the humans. Nobody knows what the humans will do to her once being caught. One of her sisters told her humans love to eat mermaid meat, treating their flesh as exotic food of sexy flavors, whatever that meant. Luna didn't quite buy her story - she immediately thought of her father and she certainly didn't consider him to look like a sexy mermaid at all with his crew-cut blue hair, flabby tummy and smelly scaly tail. Perhaps only her mother thought of him to be sexy, but it could be human error since her mother wasn't mermaid to begin with. Her parents, King Lir and Queen Adella, met on the shore, fell in love, and her mother married into the sea. Mermaidcraft granted her a mermaid's tail and the ability to breathe and move in the water with ease, but not without a price, or so Luna heard. Except Queen Adella kept it a secret from all her sons and daughters; only King Lir knew. "Hmm, I can't see anything here, no human treasures, nothing. Looks like I would need to be on the ship to find anything interesting," she mused. A random mischievous thought came up in between - what if she transformed her tail into a pair of legs? It would take a while since Luna didn't pay much attention during her Transformation lessons but she could try. If she could blend in with the humans, then she would be sexy food no more! They might even treat her as one of their kind and teach her about their wonderful gadgets. It would be a thousand times more exciting than her lessons in the sea by Tutor Krabby Senior talking about the sea ecosystem or how fugly Lady Octopus was with her forever-purple fashion sense. Both the father crab and his son were the same - rigid, judgmental, cannot walk straight and their claw pinches hurt like crazy. "Here goes!" Luna stayed beneath the water's surface and closed her eyes. Concentration is key to a successful transformation - one stray thought and the result would be disastrous. Why, one of her brothers was punished by Father to be confined in his palace room after he transformed his tail into a giant penis. It took him three months to undo the transformation but by then, his reputation was far beyond the point of salvation, and from then on, he was nicknamed the Prince of Penis, a lesson that would scar him for the rest of his mermaid life. Luna would and must fare better than her ridiculous brother.