[hider=0] [b]Name:[/b]Evolution Zero [b]Age:[/b] While created by Genesis only recently, Evolution Zero inherited its eons of accumulated knowledge and genetic data. [b]Gender:[/b] Any or none, Evolution Zero is capable of asexual reproduction or self-cloning. They understand the concept of sexual dimorphism, but have yet to grasp the intricacies of societal gender roles. [b]Race:[/b] Genesis, a.k.a. The Crimson, The Red Herald, The Hunger, The World of Flesh Research has failed to produce a consistent definition of the Genesis life-form (and its offspring such as Evolution Zero), ranging from a psionic virus to a living cancer. In essence, it is a biological entity capable of assimilating other living things to gain their knowledge and physical adaptations, and then copying and replicating this stolen genetic code to enhance its own abilities. These beings are capable of rewriting genetic code on a molecular level, and can replicate themselves endlessly as long as they have access to necessary raw materials and calories. Individual cells possess rudimentary awareness and intelligence, but as more cells are assimilated into the mass of the greater organism, its strength and intelligence multiply exponentially. The net result is a genetic shapeshifter, capable of stealing the knowledge and powers of other forms of life, manipulating biology to its will, and accumulating entire worlds of information and biodiversity within its bio-matrix. [b]Appearance:[/b] As a powerful shapeshifter, Evolution Zero's physical form is highly malleable and prone to rapid adaptation to circumstances. However, it has a "default" form it assumes when interacting with intelligent life on behalf of Genesis: that of a generally humanoid organism with a simple and efficient bodyplan. Four fingered hands, prehensile feet and tail, and a face with smooth, uncomplicated features. Its body is smooth and almost featureless, aside from the sweeping curves of its musculature, and its skin is a silvery metallic substance, making it appear to be made from liquid metal. [b]Home World:[/b] The "planet" of Genesis is an anomaly in space, unique among all known universes. While it was originally a normal planet, seemingly the entire geology has been overtaken by the Genesis organism, which has accumulated the equivalent mass of multiple Earth-sized planets within its bio-matrix. As a planet-like cosmic organism, Genesis has features of a living thing, a geologically active planet, and an advanced technological superstructure. The "crust" of Genesis is covered in a rock-like dermis and huge forests of metallic "trees" collecting cosmic energy, while its internal structure beneath the surface resembles a living body, only titanic. Oceans of acid dissolve raw materials into usable nutrients, and huge, bestial leukocytes patrol the surface and interior of Genesis for intruders and infections. Deeper into the core of Genesis things become increasingly strange, as familiar flesh and bone give way to more exotic forms of anatomy, such as the "blue matter" that is assumed to form the cerebral core of Genesis. [b]Patron Deity:[/b] As a living entity, Genesis is ancient and unfathomable. It possesses the collective scientific knowledge and genetic legacy of its home universe, plundered from the stars. The thoughts and feelings of a being whose brain is effectively the size of a planet are practically incomprehensible to less monumental forms of life, but its motivations and interests are less mysterious. The subjects most interesting to Genesis are itself, and the multiverse that it now finds itself a part of. Based on the the attitudes of its "missionaries," Genesis mostly wishes to continue its own evolution along new avenues being presented by its awakening to the greater multiverse, but through more peaceful means like empathy and cooperation, all for the purpose of spreading the unity of its flesh. [b]Champion’s Blessing:[/b] [i]Ego Sum:[/i] What separates Evolution Zero from the legions of Red Heralds that preceded them is that Zero is a true individual, not merely an extrusion of Genesis. Zero possesses a fully-realized consciousness and individual identity, and while capable of linking their mind back to Genesis, they retain their own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Rather than being a colony of cells and biomass split off from the greater whole, Evolution Zero is a true offspring, a new iteration of the Genesis organism, meant to improve on and surpass it, the next step in its evolution. [b]Inventory:[/b] Zero doesn't wear clothes, nor possess pockets in which to hold things. Material possessions are basically meaningless to them. They can reshape its own biological matter into simple tools if necessary. [b]Magic:[/b] One of the most unexpected results of Evolution Zero possessing a realized ego is that they can use magic far more effectively than the original Genesis organism. However, their expression of mystical power is primarily limited to the psionic adaptations stored within their bio-matrix, and other expressions of biomancy, such as bio-lightning and flesh shaping. [b]Skills:[/b] While Zero possesses many skills and talents stored in the deep memory of their bio-matrix, but is most interested in the ineffable qualia of new experiences, and as such tends not to rely on these assimilated memories. [b]Personality:[/b] Surprisingly childlike for such an advanced organism, Evolution Zero is primarily possessed by its drives to learn, explore, and adapt. Designed to be the ideal explorer and ambassador, Zero hopes to build friendly and mutually beneficial relations with other universes and their inhabitants, while still retaining their innate compulsion to add to their own biological distinctiveness and adapt to any and all environments. Even with infinite horizons to explore, Zero finds themself most curious about their own existence, and the nature of their relationship to Genesis, which is their home, their creator-god, and their parent all at once. [b]History:[/b] While the origins of the Genesis organism are unknown to all but itself, it is assumed that it somehow evolved on the world that it eventually subsumed, eventually incorporating all living things and later all possible digestible matter into its bio-matrix. Once it had become the sole, dominant organism on the world it conquered, it began its conquest of the stars. Over untold eons, Genesis spread its tendrils through its universe of origin, stripping it bare of life and incorporating all of their advancements of biology and technology into itself. At first a grueling process carried out by offshoot "missionary" organisms that could only travel long distances very slowly in hibernation, the eventual incorporation of psionics into Genesis' matrix greatly expedited the process. Left alone in a dead universe where it remained as the sole form of life, Genesis then transitioned to the next stage of its unprecedented life cycle. Left with nothing but its own existence to contemplate with its celestial intelligence, it was eventually able to use its psionic power to learn of the existence of the multiverse and other gods, from whence its evolution could continue. It has made tentative contact with other gods, finding them to the be the closest equivalent entities to itself that it had discovered thus far. As such, it has tried to integrate itself into their multiversal society, going so far as to create a unique offspring, Evolution Zero, to serve as its champion and avatar. [b]Extra/Notes:[/b] Besides Zero, Genesis has also released billions of Red Heralds into the multiverse to carry on its path of evolution. [/hider]