[quote=@Dinh AaronMk]I've never dealt with anything of that scale of time.[/quote] >I more so meant the setting in general, and whether or not new things are added over time or if you just flesh it out to a certain point and say it's done, but I do have one personal example that kind of combines the two. The [url=https://rp-fun.fandom.com/wiki/The_Lucidverse]Lucidverse[/url], and it combines the two in that the setting is a giant dream that constantly changes, but is also completely static as it will always function more or less the same cosmologically and certain figures or archetypes (such as Dreamers, Liminals, and Lucids) will always remain in one form or another. >Plus the setting's finished since I don't see the point in adding more to it. Hence it being a static world.