“Kita…” I like that, he said happily. At least she told him her name, and a nickname even, that had to be a good sign. It would have been rude had she not reciprocated the gesture. Or suspicious. But so far other than the machete there wasn’t much suspicious about her. Illion was now confident he had nothing to worry about as long as no other humans showed up. Or if the other elves found out he was conversing with a human. “Well I…” He began. He looked around, taking in the surroundings. He didn’t normally travel so far away from the village, and even if he did currently know where it was, which he didn’t, he certainly couldn’t tell her that. “...I have no idea where I am right now.” Illion knew the woods around his village better than the back of his own hand, but this area was just too far out, and far too close to the humans he now gathered. He really went wherever he dared go. He was told time and time again not to stray too far from the village, but until now the only reason he listened to that was because he feared the humans, now that he could see at least they weren’t all bad there was no stopping him from going as far as wanted. Who knew, maybe someday he’d tiptoe into the human city. “You don’t know where my village is, do you?” He asked cautiously. If Nikita was as brave as him then what was stopping her from going all the way to his village? Logic wasn’t always at the forefront of Illion’s mind. His naivety and carelessness hadn’t ever gotten himself in too much trouble. From time to time he scuff himself up a bit, he’d run back to his mother, she would work her elven magic, give him a little scolding and then he’d be off again. “What were you expecting anyway?” He was curious to know what the humans really thought about his kind. Were they as afraid of them as they were of the humans? Although Kita had said the other humans were not exactly like her. Perhaps the others really did have fangs and tails. Though now he questioned everything. When was the last time one of the other elves actually ran into a human? He knew it had happened in the past, but he figured it had been quite some time. He knew nothing of Nikita’s parents, he was very seldom let in on the inner workings of the elders, who were for all intents and purposes the leaders of the elves. While all of the other elves were thousands of years old he did know that some were older than others. Huverir was the oldest in the village, and if they were honest no one actually knew how old he was. No one was around Illion’s age of course. Compared to the rest he was barely a baby, it showed through his demeanor and actions. Despite being considered full grown he never quite grew up.