[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1105986186507452477/1106787223002681364/Yvain.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][color=00e600]Adventure around the town[/color][/h2][/center] [hider=Playful treats] Yvain looked towards Penelope as her cousin was binding food into existence, a weirdly warm smile covering his face as the loaves turned to cookies and more sweet delicacies. In truth he was a bit jealous of such abilities. For all the finesse and beauty his appearance gave off his affinity towards magic is more brutish than anyone he knows. [color=00e600][i]What a drag..[/i][/color] Yvain looked rather tired with all the locals messing around with his hair and tugging on his clothing. [color=00e600][i]What a horrid curse, to be so beloved by all! But alas, it is a burden to bear[/i][/color] If he had the freedom to move he would have dramatically placed the back of his hand on his forehand. The Perrenchman’s interest was caught by her cousin shaking her head as if certain thoughts were plaguing her. Was he responsible for those thoughts? People were always acting differently around him when she was present. The expressions, the minor changes in body language. In truth, he had always appreciated having her around as a source of genuinity. Penny knew the chemical formula for sugar, so, with a smirk and some trial and error, she began making sweetbreads, and then... Well, why not icing sugar? Cookies, cupcakes, and then cakes! She worked her way up the ladder. The kids darted in when they thought she wasn't looking and stole some and she pretended not to see them, except when it was too obvious. Their punishment was a tiny electrical zap on the rear and a dab of frosting on the nose. Before long, they were coming back in just to be caught and it became a kind of game until some of the village women broke it up. They shooed the children away to go bother Yvain after that, and sat around her, speaking in their strange tongue and communicating through gestures whenever Nikolai wasn't around. The Perrenchwoman may have even picked up a few words of Kyrgish in the process. She made dough, as well, and some of the women brought out boards and formed a circle, kneading it as the hours of Oraff edged toward those of Eshiran. For a moment, she was just one more woman in their circle: part of something and no different than the others. Her heart swelled with a sense of purpose. She would use her power to ensure that this place - a place that was good and right - would thrive and not wither. Seeing some of the children leave his presence to go over to Penelope to steal some of the treats she created could not help but put a soft smile on Yvain's face. Soon enough they returned to him as they were shooed away. A rather surprised look came across his face as he was offered a piece of a cookie from one of the children. Taking the piece and eating before clapping his hands and showing the children around him some small illusions such as floating cookies and cakes. The floating delicacies moved about around the children as if they were in a dance. [/hider] [hider=The Begemot] Nikolai’s weight shifted. His nervousness was palpable and contagious. The smallest of children near Penny and Yvain broke out in tears, somewhere further away, a dog howled, but it wasn’t enough to cut through the excited whispers of the translated news of the begemot and her child making its way through those gathered. [color=f7976a]"Arrête de rêvasser, cornichon!"[/color] Penny pulled on all of her kinetic power to blow past her cousin. [color=f7976a]"Les petits gâteaux et les biscuits n'arrêteront pas le mastodonte!"[/color] At this rate, the Begemot would catch Ilvir in a minute or two, and the lure would do nothing to relocate it. Yvain clapped his hands and soon enough the little floating pastries disappeared, carefully plucking the locals off him. Seeing his cousin blow past him caused him to chuckle. [color=00e600]"Frimeur. "[/color] He prepared to catch up to his cousin. [color=00e600][i]Cela ne suffit pas, je dois être plus rapide.[/i][/color] Realizing that just augmenting his pace would not be enough. Yvain's stance got more relaxed, lifting himself up from the air and soon enough darted towards her cousin. He was able to close the distance between them but did not manage to overtake her. This can't be right. Did he lose his edge? No matter. This is not a time for his ego to be hurt, even if it were to sting. Landing not too far away from his cousin. [color=00e600]"Suppose we can't just use brute force against this thing, huh?"[/color] Penny shook her head, trying to create some water in the dirt and mix it in ahead of the begemot. She gritted her teeth. [color=f7976a]"Non, cousin, I think not. Now come help me, would you?"[/color] Yvain sighed. [color=00e600]"Cher moi, I am not a chef."[/color] He began to use his kinetic magic to create small rotations in the softer earth. [color=00e600]"I can mix it as well as a trained cook, however it will do the trick. You focus on softening the earth."[/color] The mud did not slow this behemoth down at all. People barking orders at him would usually be met with a proper punishment, but through it being a high tension situation and he seems like the dumb yelling type he let it slide. [color=00e600]"Least you could’ve done is grovel at my feet and beg for my help…”[/color] A rather annoyed look appeared on his face before. [color=00e600]"But it seems you truly would be hopeless without his gracious moi!”[/color] His smug aura was practically radiating off him. With a sigh he nodded towards Yuliya to start to coordinate with her. In truth, Yvain was rather frustrated by having to work together with a merchant, or rather one pretending to be one. Even if his ability for illusions is not the highest, this was humiliating. [color=00e600]"Travaille avec moi, lumière"[/color] As he tried his hardest to coordinate with Yuliya to get their structure of light to move away from the town slowly. As it started to move Yvain could be seen with a shit-eating grin. [color=00e600]"Sometimes I scare myself with how talented I am."[/color] Even whilst under this mental strain of keeping such a behemoth consistent. It did not stop him from looking as perfectly presentable as ever. As the Begemot started to move away the illusion began to dissipate Yvain let himself slump over a little, not even caring about the mud all over his frame. [color=00e600]”I did it… I actually did it…”[/color] The boy’s voice was soft as if trying to not let anyone hear it. His giddy smile said more than words could have. It was one similar to an excited child. Once realizing how he may have appeared he coughed a little before standing upright and showing his noble character once more. [color=00e600]”It seems like I am truly gifted in every magic that I start practicing. I might give old Bene-”[/color] He halts himself as he was close to saying something that might have insulted such an important figure. [/hider]