Sorry the IC is not up yet, so many fucking distractions the last few days, lol. I just recently started a fantasy choose-your-own-adventure series on TikTok and it's been getting a lot of traction and taking up a lot of my time. I'll embed a YT vid where I compiled the first three parts, though there are eight parts currently up on TikTok. [youtube][/youtube] IC should be up soon. Also, just to clarify, I am locating Angel Grove in place of Pacific Palisades, a large neighborhood in the Westside region of Los Angeles. So, basically, in this world Pacific Palisades does not exist and Angel Grove instead sits in its geographic location. Below I will link a video showing the mansion Zeek lives in, which is owned by his tech billionaire uncle, Billy Cranston (yes I am stealing his name and visage from MMPR XD). The video also gives some good views of the geographic area we'll be using as Angel Grove. [youtube][/youtube]