[center][@Lava Alckon][@Th3King0fChaos][/center] [hider=Odds and Ends][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fN14qbN.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/PFwqiN3.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/HVumRoh.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Erax2Gn.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/iDgcaXI.png[/img] [color=FEB763]"Ahoy there, me hearties! Welcome to Odds and Ends, where ye can find treasures aplenty. Me name's Melian, and this here shop is filled with all sorts of odds and sods collected from the travels of many a seafaring soul. If ye happen to have any booty that might catch me eye, do show me what ye got. "[color=CE6E00] She gestured to the shelves in her shop with a smile.[/color] "Now, let me give ye a gander at me shelves. On this middle deck, ye'll find an accordion for some shanty-singing fun, an underwater breathing potion that'll give ye gills for ten minutes - just three uses though, mind ye! - an amulet that some say'll ward off dragon's breath, and a fancy compass that'll keep ye on course." "The accordion is a steal for annoying ye friends! However, the underwater breathing potion be a bit more unique... That young scallywag who sold me that potion gave me a warning - it'll only work for ten minutes and not a minute more, and ye can only use it thrice... Don't go swigging the whole bottle at once or ye'll be regretting it, mark me words. As for this little beauty..." [color=CE6E00]The shopkeeper moved to pick the dragon amulet up and presented it to Tanithil and Ismael with a twinkle in her eye.[/color] "Some say it's got the power to protect ye from the fiery breath of dragons. Whether that's true or not, I can't say for sure but with a story like that, ye know I can't sell it to ye cheap!"[color=CE6E00] She placed it back down, her eyes shifting to the compass.[/color] "And as for the compass, I'm not entirely sure what it's pointing at, but it's a fancy piece, ain't it?" "Now for the bottom shelf, I got ye one of them legendary disguise rings, though this one is a little wonky I'll warn ye. And if ye're looking for some grog or maybe a little rum, I've got just the thing for ye - a keg that can hold numerous types of drink. Finally, I got ye a fancy spyglass, and a cute little monkey! ... So, me hearties, what'll it be?"[/color][/center][/hider]